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08/14/2007 Bam? Rehab? Missy Leaving?

Bam Goes to Rehab
Bam Margera checked into rehab last month…and he checked right out just a few days later!

The MTV reality star entered an Arizona treatment facility under pressure from his wife, Missy Rothstein, In Touch Weekly is reporting. “Bam’s pill-taking and drinking became way too much for her,” says one friend.

“Missy really wants him to stop and is fed up. She’s given him an ultimatum — get clean or she’s leaving.”

Their marriage of six months is said to be quite strained because of Margera’s drug abuse. An insider tells In Touch that Bam admits to taking a lot of Adderall. “He doesn’t want to get clean,” the pal adds.
Is anyone seriously surprised here?
Well, Im not... Ok, I am a little surprised that Missy wasnt a little wiser to Bam's lifestyle. I guess thats just in womens nature to try and fix things.

If things were getting bad however, Im glad she is trying to get him help! Clean up your fucking act Bam!

For those who dont know what Adderall is:

Adderall is a pharmaceutical psychostimulant comprised of mixed amphetamine salts that is primarily used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. Adderall has also been used to successfully treat severe cases of treatment-resistant depression. It is a Schedule II controlled substance, meaning that it has been deemed to have a high potential for abuse and addiction despite genuine medical uses.
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Come on Bam you are better than this!!!
Good job missy!! BAM, get your gd shit together! We need you.
more adderall please
WTH if hes taking the Adderall its probly for one of the things it treats( like the stuff it mentions above) but if hes talking it just to take it thats a different story.(not a bad one thou)
do what u want it is ur life
yea this shit is true i read this on a magazine..come on bam go to rehab do this for u 'r fans,u 'r wife,u 'r parents,u 'r friends...plz just do it.
that really sucks to hear bout bams pill poppin shit. missy is right to help him stop though i really hope he cuts the shit!! come on bam your so much better than that!!!
bam ur 2 hot for her if u dont want 2 get clean dont
bam ur 2 hot for her if u dont want 2 get clean dont
Bam shouldn 't get clean if he dosn 't want to. Missy new that he was like this before they got married and she should except him for who he is. Missy is not right for him
missy is doing the right thing , she love s him and want s to help him .stop giving her so much stick!! get better soon bam! take care x
It 's your life, Bam! But I have to say that I 'm REALLY disapointed at you... You 're still one of my biggest heros, but you definitly lost some points there, sorry... I hope you do the right thing. Good luck to you and Missy + the rest of the gang! Take care! Huggies
well this...is crazy man....but missy knows how bam is.....missy really cares bout bam n she loves him....but bam wont really care...though.....but bam should go bak to rehab...hope u get better bam you 're still my heroe take care XOXO!!! <3333
she new what she was getting into, bams a man and will do what he wants
look guys NO ONE has the right to tell bam to wake up to him self because getting off drugs is one of the hardest things a person has to do... yea i wished bam didn 't do it but no one but bam can put him self back in rehab... bam i hope you get better and just keep doing what you do best A FUCKIN LEGEND i love you heaps and no matter how you choose to live your life i will always see you as my hero... you fuckin rock xoxoxo Love loz
man this is bullshit only half of this shits true. bam was drinkin yea so wut, he kinda forgot bout missy 's b-day,(i mean come on guys this dude has a fuckin hell of a life tryin to make bitch ass ppl happy). he films everyday. she said he needed to go to rehab, but he didnt he almost did. they were never bout to split up. listen to howard stern all u motherfuckers talkin shit bout bam.
r they gettin a divorce?????? or r they just splitting up for a while? i think missy needs to stop being controling i kno she cares about him but hes a man and he wants to do wat he wants to do..he rarely listened to hia parents wht makes her think hes goin to listen to her?
HAPPY B-DAY BAM also dont get a divorce u and missy need to work it out u guys are ment for each other but missy u knew that he was a hott crazy guy in the first place so u get what u get and remember brushinf ur teeth is played out
oo my god..that 'so good man..
Happy Birthday Bam I hope you had a great day with missy and the family!!! I hope u r doing better and don 't forget that u have a very supportive wife on your side,ever step of the way!!
for all these people who are saying happy birthday bam i hope you had a great day with your wife and family! hello dont you people nkwo tht he was on the viva la bands tour, and on his birthday he was in south carolina at the house of blues!
hay bam u rock and so do your cd 's and every thing u make! can see why u might do adderall and missy i think what u r doings nice and all but its his life and bam u go and use it but dont abuse she 's just being the gall u maryed and dont regret it . some say their pissed ur marryed but i say its cool that you can have this so called sweet live where u can do what ever you whant a still get the girl you love. -rock the stage! and blow me away
Well I think she obveously new about this before they were married (exsessive dinking dont know about the drugs) why not say clean up your act and then ill marry you??? we know why??? i think if he cleaned up and became good and nice it wouldnt be the Bam we all love!!(although for health reasons kick the Adderall and replace with real E haha just kidding).
C 'mon Bam clean up, don 't fuck up your life. your a hero to alot of us and most have never met you, might not ever meet you.
OMG Bam i love you man ur way betta then this missy is good as i love her too get clean dude do it for ur fans they all love you lots please!!! Steph <33 ily
well, what do you expect from the man who has the whole.. "He 's BAM MARGERA! What will he do next?" "Whatever the FUCK I want!" slogan thing in his show Viva La Bam? He 's still going to keep living by those words, whether or not people agree. You just can 't take that from him. That 's sad though, that he 's having so much problems with Missy because of this. Maybe people were right when they said that the marriage wouldn 't last because of Bam 's lifestyle. Poor Bam and missy. =(
Okay Bam I 'm not telling you what to do but soo many people love you. If your not going to listen to older people then listen to younger people.My name is Ashley Pierson and I 'm only 13 and let me tell you....you are my HERO!Haha my dad says pick another one but your diffeent then anybody else.So please Bam I am like in love with all your shows,movies,music,whatever and if anything happens to you then i don 't know what i would do.I would get over myself but life wouldn 't be the same.It would be like no Jackass movies,or Viva la bam,Or BAM MARGERA ever again.So please just stop and don 't turn into one of them people who only do drugs becasue your my hero bam!
who the fuck cares???.......
She had to know before they got married. I say forget her. I hope he made her sign a prenup!!Love you Bam

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