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08/11/2007 PA Township Agreement Reached

Bam Margera Picture
The agreement says Brandon "Bam" Margera may tape, produce, broadcast or host television shows, movies, recordings and satellite radio broadcasts on his 13-acre property under certain conditions.

He cannot have customer traffic or pickup or delivery activity greater than those normally associated with a residence, he may not use equipment that creates noise, fumes, glare, odors or electrical interference, he must avoid outside appearances of business use such as lights, signs or parking, and he may not have employees other than family members residing in his home.

I dont know about you, but Im thinking right off the bat a few of those simple "Conditions" are going to be difficult for Bam to Abide by! He cant have anyone other than a family member residing at his home? Bam has had his "Employees" residing at his home since the beginning.... and while we may see them as friends, they're employees too! Hell, even Phil could be considered an Employee!

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Bam looks hot in this picture~!~! He won 't stress about it...? LOVE U BAM XXX
that sucks ; bam ur hot
Yeah, I was listening to Radio Bam on sirius like in August I think, or idk when but a few months ago where he was talking about the township and how they dislike him because he 's the young prankster and they are old hags. I don 't think the war against the township will ever be completly solved though. They 're just gonig to find more things to complain about. (sigh) that 's what happens when you have Slayer playing at your house the very first day you move in. SHOW THEM WHO 'S REALLY OWNS BAM!

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