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Sunday 21 October 2007
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Has Microsoft’s Vista software disappointed you?

Head sought for Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.
Battle for control of Umbro may go into extra time.
HSBC chairman agrees to meet with rebel investor.
Who's got the bottle to win the brewery battle?
Scottish & Newcastle looks for help to beat hostile bid.
Robert Zoellick:World Bank chief grabs green agenda
The new chair's strategies for reforming the institution.
City braced for repeat of Black Monday after Dow's slump
Investors braced for a sharp fall in share prices tomorrow.
Mervyn King could have stopped the crisis in British banking
A month on from the first run on a UK bank in living memory, the inside story of the crisis can now be told.
Bank to test credit crisis with bond secured on property assets.
Construction company looking at options for its pensions scheme.
Telecoms group has filed a £16m High Court claim against Logica.
Standard Life plans to retain Resolution chair Clive Cowdery.
CBI hope to meet Chancellor over Capital Gains Tax changes.
Korea's state oil giant one of the suitors for oil and gas explorer.
Baugur joint venture looks to expand into German retail.
The reaction from business to the Chancellor's latest capital gains tax reforms is gaining a head of steam. Richard Tyler
Richard Tyler
Heineken and Carlsberg draw battle lines
Heineken and Carlsberg draw battle lines for S&N.;
Sir Richard Branson performing a stunt in Las Vegas.
Is Virgin's move on Northern Rock another publicity stunt?
Eastern European property boom is under threat
Soaring inflation has begun to derail the housing boom.
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the business
Has Microsoft’s Vista software disappointed you?
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