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Toby Harnden

Toby Harnden

in Washington DC

Toby Harnden has been The Daily Telegraph's US Editor since 2006. He lives in Washington DC with his wife Cheryl, daughter Tessa and dog Finn. Toby was previously Chief Foreign Correspondent for The Sunday Telegraph. He first joined The Daily Telegraph in 1994 and has been its Ireland Correspondent, Washington Bureau Chief and Middle East Correspondent. He is the author of Bandit Country: The IRA & South Armagh (1999). An archive of his work is at www.tobyharnden.com. Story ideas and news tips are welcomed and Toby can be contacted at toby.harnden@telegraph.co.uk. His Facebook profile is here.

Cheney's blast at Gates and Hillary

Fascinating Larry King interview (no, not an oxymoron) with Vice President Dick Cheney aka Darth Vader last night. Not because he conceded that he'd been wrong about his "last throes" Iraq comment (how could he do otherwise?) but because of his shot across the bows of Bob Gates, the Pentagon chief.

US Vice President Dick Cheney
Cheney: still a force to be reckoned with

Cheney defended Eric Edelman, his former aide who now works for Gates, in the row over EE's letter to Hillary Clinton. Whereas Gates effectively dished out a public reprimand to EE for suggesting Hillary's inquiry could aid the enemy, Cheney said it was a "good letter".