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Thursday 11 October 2007
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Inquest jurors shown graphic shots of dying Princess.
Knee tweak rules captain out of Estonia qualifier.
New CEO plans 'fundamental shift' for troubled oil major.
Should Al Gore's film be banned from schools?
Sign our EU petition
Philip Glass
Controversial composer Philip Glass tells Ivan Hewett why the Barbican is staging a celebration of his work.
Weatherman Michael Fish on why he failed to predict the Great Storm of 1987.
An X-Factor-style talent show challenges the elitist image of classical music.
Mary Kenny explains how her sister fell victim to New York bodysnatchers.
The England rugby team's passion for Kenny Rogers.
The Country Wife
A robust revival of The Country Wife shows a dirty mind is a joy forever.
The Ring
Royal Opera's epic Wagner lacks the essential simplicity of great theatre.
In Rainbows marks a return to form for Radiohead.
Marcus Brigstocke in the Arctic, Cape Farewell: a journey's end
In an effort to find the funny side of climate change, comedian Marcus Brigstocke joined a two-week Arctic voyage. Read his diary and see pictures and videos as
his journey comes to an end.
Inside Helen Marsden's house
If you've got the space and the style, then you could earn money from your home - by putting it in the movies.
For today's well-off single professional, a 'playpen' for one is the ultimate luxury.
"Did you see the old sourpuss again just now? The PM, I mean, stumbling his way through a conference endlessly repeating, like the last survivor of a demented cult, that the text of the EU constitution has somehow been amended."
Daniel Hannan
Matt cartoon, Telegraph
Alex cartoon, Telegraph
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