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06/17/2007 Bam Hospitalized

Bam Margera HospitalizedAs posted from Bam's Official website:
6/16/2007 - Down and Out .. While skateboarding Louisville's enormous fullpipe, Bam sustained a concusion and torn liver. After 3 days in the hospital, he was released and is back home making a great recovery progress. Just no lifting anything over 10lbs for 2 weeks.
Was anyone out here at this skate session?

I tried hitting up the good'ol Adio website to checkout the breaking news.. of course there was nothing of the site, and again I couldnt even find the damn dates of the tour. Its rather sad how poorly corporate sites are structured. But, they cram their product right down your throat just fine dont they! anyway.....

Two things come to mind here for me:
  1. Torn Liver, F@!CK!... Well, good thing beer cans are under the 10lb Dr's ordered weight limit lifting!
  2. How many days/stops did he last on the Adio Tour? One? Two? Shesh!
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The dates of the tour I posted them in the "Glomb keeps us updated" post...also there is another thing there is a video recently of Raab on the BamMargera Website...
That must of hurt!! Get better soon Bam.Steph-Don 't forget the name!!!!
where is the video? I couldnt find
There is the video... http://funnyordie.com/videos/5962
So sorry this happened. The world needs more guys like BAM. Anyone who doesn 't see what he has given this world lives in a hole. He has followed his dreams and made the American dream happen and gives back in so many ways. He 's creative and does what he wants and that is the way to be! He should be President! Go BAM! Get well soon!
danm that sux hope you get better soon....
dude no fucking way ..........bams a great guy(his show and rumors of him destroying skaing are wrong) i dont wanna be labeled but i have the tattoo he and ville share(check out my my space) kaiser131000 but damn man bam if u see this give me a hollar ok kaiserglider666@yahoo.com best wishes
ouch musta hurt!! what did u do anyway? =(
ok my bad try finding will for my myspace
awww poor BAM get better..even though that could of already happend
that must have hurt like soooon of a bitch!! man... i love u skating
WOW! i can 't believe that happened! i mean fuck, if i had know i would have come down there to give him support! love ya bam!!!
Sad i wonder how Missy is dealing with it.
oh ill come down 2 see ur sexy ass in the hospital
OMG!!!! i feel bad f or bam man; OUCH!!! but i hope you feel batter bam man i love you i wish i was there to support you.....hope you feel better...your my heroe..love you lot...<3333333333

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