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02/20/2007 Steve-O On Bam Sex with Jessica Simpson

So the whole Bam had sex with Jessica Simpson bit is old news.. I know. But, in light of the recent Bam and Missy's unholy union wedding, it seems to be resurfacing. Yesterday the dirt on Bam's split with Jenn Rivell, his fiancee and girlfriend of 7 yrs, was moving across the web:
However Rivell wasn't completely out of Margera's life, because in October 2006, he filed for "protection from abuse" from Rivell after she allegedly broke into his house, The Daily Local News of West Chester, PA reported at the time.

"It was about 3:30 in the morning. I have a 10-foot fence with a gate card. She climbed over the fence and broke through the back door," he said during a November 3, 2006 assault hearing in Chester County Common Pleas Court. "I'm really scared. I don't know what she'll do next." He further alleged that Rivell "had exhibited irrational and aggressive behavior towards him on several previous occasions including destroying several computers and vandalizing his house immediately after their initial breakup."
Their break-up was attributed to rumors Margera had slept with pop star Jessica Simpson, which Margera initially denied before admitting they had been "intimate."

While reading some of that, it reminded me of this Random 'whip-it-having' Steve-O clip from the Tom Green show.
"I called him out for it, texting his Bros, while she was taking an after sex pee, from her bed."
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