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  Field Listing - Economic aid - recipient

Economic aid - recipient
Afghanistan international pledges made by more than 60 countries and international financial institutions at the Berlin Donors Conference for Afghan reconstruction in March 2004 reached $8.9 billion for 2004-09
Albania ODA: $366 million
note: top donors were Italy, EU, Germany (2003 est.)
Algeria $313 million (2004 est.)
American Samoa important financial support from the US, more than $40 million in 1994
Andorra $0
Angola $383.5 million (1999)
Anguilla $9 million (2004 est.)
Antigua and Barbuda $1.65 million (2004)
Argentina $0 (2002)
Armenia ODA, $254 million (2004)
Aruba $11.3 million (2004)
Azerbaijan ODA, $140 million (2000 est.)
Bahamas, The $5 million (2004)
Bahrain $150 million; note - $50 million annually since 1992 from the UAE and Kuwait (2002)
Bangladesh $1.575 billion (2000 est.)
Barbados $9.1 million (1995)
Belarus $194.3 million (1995)
Belize $NA
Benin $342.6 million (2000)
Bermuda $NA
Bhutan $78 million; note - substantial aid from India (2004)
Bolivia $221 million (2005 est.)
Bosnia and Herzegovina $650 million (2001 est.)
Botswana $73 million (1995)
Brazil $30 billion (2002)
British Virgin Islands $NA
Brunei $NA
Bulgaria $742 million (2005-06 est.)
Burkina Faso $468.4 million (2003)
Burma $127 million (2001 est.)
Burundi $105.5 million (2003)
Cambodia $504 million pledged in grants and concession loans for 2005 by international donors
Cameroon in January 2001, the Paris Club agreed to reduce Cameroon's debt of $1.3 billion by $900 million; debt relief now totals $1.26 billion
Cape Verde $136 million (1999)
Cayman Islands $390,000 (2004)
Central African Republic ODA, $59.8 million; note - traditional budget subsidies from France (2002 est.)
Chad ODA, $246.9 million (2003 est.)
Chile $0 (2006)
China $NA
Christmas Island $NA
Cocos (Keeling) Islands $NA
Colombia $NA
Comoros $24 million (2003 est.)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the $2.2 billion (FY03/04)
Congo, Republic of the $159.1 million (1995)
Cook Islands $13.1 million; note - New Zealand continues to furnish the greater part (1995)
Cote d'Ivoire ODA, $1 billion (1996 est.)
Croatia ODA, $166.5 million (2002)
Cuba $68.2 million (1997 est.)
Cyprus area under government control: $NA
area administered by Turkish Cypriots: under a July 2006 agreement, Turkey plans to provide the area administered by Turkish Cypriots 1.875 billion YTL ($1.3 billion) over three years (600 million YTL in 2006, 625 million YTL in 2007 and 650 million YTL in 2008); Turkey has forgiven most past aid
Czech Republic $2.4 billion in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2004-06)
Djibouti $64.1 million (2004)
Dominica $29.2 million (2004 est.)
Dominican Republic $571.6 million (2004)
East Timor $153 million (2004 est.)
Ecuador $216 million (2002)
Egypt ODA, $1.12 billion (2002)
El Salvador $127.5 million of which, $55 million from US (2005)
Equatorial Guinea $NA
Eritrea $77 million (1999)
Estonia $108 million (2000)
Ethiopia $1.6 billion (FY05/06)
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) $0 (1997 est.)
Faroe Islands $105 million; note - annual subsidy from Denmark (2005)
Fiji $63.9 million (2004)
French Polynesia $580 million (2004)
Gabon $331 million (1995)
Gambia, The $59.8 million (2003)
Gaza Strip $1.14 billion; (includes West Bank) (2004 est.)
Georgia ODA, $150 million (2000 est.)
Ghana $6.9 billion (1999)
Gibraltar $NA
Greece $8 billion annually from EU (2000-06); Greece will receive about $3.8 billion per year between 2007-13 under the EU's Community Support Funds IV
Greenland $512 million; note - subsidy from Denmark (2005)
Grenada $15.4 million (2004)
Guam Guam receives large transfer payments from the US Federal Treasury ($143 million in 1997) into which Guamanians pay no income or excise taxes; under the provisions of a special law of Congress, the Guam Treasury, rather than the US Treasury, receives federal income taxes paid by military and civilian Federal employees stationed in Guam (2001 est.)
Guatemala $250 million (2000 est.)
Guernsey $NA
Guinea $212.2 million (2006)
Guinea-Bissau $115.4 million (1995)
Guyana $84 million (1995), Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative (HIPC) $253 million (1997)
Haiti $153 million (FY05 est.)
Holy See (Vatican City) $0
Honduras $557.8 million (1999)
Hungary $3.4 billion in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2004-06)
India $2.9 billion (FY98/99)
Indonesia ODA, $67 billion (2006 est.)
note: Indonesia ended 2006 with $67 billion in official foreign debt (about 25% of GDP), with Japan ($25 billion), the World Bank ($8.5 billion) and the Asian Development Bank ($8.4 billion) as the largest creditors; about $6 billion in grant assistance was pledged to rebuild Aceh after the December 2004 tsunami; President YUDHYONO ended the Consultative Group on Indonesia forum in January 2007
Iran $408 million (2002 est.)
Iraq $13.5 billion pledged in foreign aid for 2004-07 from outside of the US, over $33 billion pledged total (2004)
Isle of Man $NA
Israel $240 million from US (FY06)
Jamaica $254.7 million (2004)
Jordan ODA, $752 million (2005 est.)
Kazakhstan $74.2 million (FY04)
Kenya $453 million (1997)
Kiribati $16.7 million largely from UK and Japan (2004)
Korea, North $NA; note - approximately 350,000 metric tons in food aid, worth approximately $118 million, through the World Food Program appeal in 2004, plus additional aid from bilateral donors and non-governmental organizations
Kuwait $NA
Kyrgyzstan $50 million from the US (2001)
Laos $379 million (2006 est.)
Latvia $96.2 million (2002 est.)
Lebanon $2.2 billion received (2003) from the $4.2 billion in soft loans pledged at the November 2002 Paris II Aid Conference
Lesotho $41.5 million (2000)
Liberia $94 million (1999)
Libya ODA, $18 million (2004 est.)
Lithuania $1.6 billion (1995)
Macau $NA
Macedonia $NA
Madagascar $354 million (2001)
Malawi $401.5 million (2001)
Maldives $27.9 million (2004)
Mali $472.1 million (2002)
Malta $NA
Marshall Islands $51.1 million more than $1 billion from the US, 1986-2002 (2004)
Mauritania $305.7 million (2002)
Mauritius $42 million (1997)
Mayotte $208 million; note - extensive French financial assistance (2004)
Mexico $1.166 billion (1995)
Micronesia, Federated States of $86.3 million
note: under terms of the Compact of Free Association, the US pledged $1.3 billion in grant aid during the period 1986-2001; the level of aid has been subsequently reduced (2004)
Moldova $6.376 billion (2003)
Monaco $NA
Mongolia $203.35 million (2005)
Montenegro $NA
Montserrat Country Policy Plan (2001) is a three-year program for spending $122.8 million in British budgetary assistance (2002 est.)
Morocco ODA, $706 million (2004)
Mozambique $632.8 million (2001)
Namibia ODA, $160 million (2000 est.)
Nauru $20 million mostly from Australia (2005)
Nepal $533 million (FY04/05)
Netherlands Antilles $21.5 million
note: IMF provided $61 million in 2000, and the Netherlands continued its support with $40 million (2004)
New Caledonia $525 million annual subsidy from France (2004)
Nicaragua $471 million (2006 est.)
Niger $453.3 million (2003)
Nigeria $250 million (1998)
Niue $2.6 million from New Zealand (2002)
Norfolk Island $NA
Northern Mariana Islands extensive funding from US
Oman $76.4 million (1995)
Pakistan $2.4 billion (FY01/02)
Palau $19.6 million; note - the Compact of Free Association with the US, entered into after the end of the UN trusteeship on 1 October 1994, provides Palau with up to $700 million in US aid over 15 years in return for furnishing military facilities (2004)
Panama $197.1 million (1995)
Papua New Guinea $NA
Paraguay $NA
Peru $491 million (2002)
Philippines ODA, $532.4 million in commitments (2005)
Pitcairn Islands $3.465 million (2004)
Poland $13.9 billion in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2004-06)
Puerto Rico $NA
Qatar $NA
Russia in FY01 from US, $979 million (including $750 million in non-proliferation subsidies); in 2001 from EU, $200 million (2000 est.)
Rwanda $425 million (2003)
Saint Helena $27.25 million obtained in a grant from the United Kingdom (FY06/07)
Saint Kitts and Nevis $NA
Saint Lucia $21.5 million (2004)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon approximately $60 million in annual grants from France
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $10.5 million (1995); note - EU $34.5 million (2004)
Samoa $30.8 million (2004)
San Marino $NA
Sao Tome and Principe $200 million in December 2000 under the HIPC program
Senegal $449.6 million (2003 est.)
Serbia $2 billion pledged in 2001 to Serbia and Montenegro (disbursements to follow over several years; aid pledged by EU and US has been placed on hold because of lack of cooperation by Serbia in handing over General Ratko MLADIC to the criminal court in The Hague)
Seychelles $16.4 million (1995)
Sierra Leone $297.4 million (2003 est.)
Singapore $NA
Slovakia $12.67 billion in available EU structural adjustment and cohesion funds (2007-13)
Slovenia ODA, $484 million (2004-06)
note: in March 2004, Slovenia became the first transition country to graduate from borrower status to donor partner at the World Bank
Solomon Islands $122 million annually, mainly from Australia (2004 est.)
Somalia $60 million (1999 est.)
South Africa $487.5 million (2000)
Sri Lanka $808 million (2005)
Sudan $172 million (2001)
Suriname $46 million
note: Netherlands provided $37 million for project and program assistance, European Development Fund $4 million, Belgium $2 million (2003)
Svalbard $8.2 million from Norway (1998)
Swaziland $104 million (2001)
Syria $180 million (2002 est.)
Tajikistan $67 million from US (2005)
Tanzania $1.2 billion (2001)
Thailand $72 million (2002)
Togo ODA, $80 million (2000 est.)
Tokelau about $4 million annually from New Zealand
Tonga $19.3 million (2004)
Trinidad and Tobago $24 million (1999 est.)
Tunisia $328 million (2004)
Turkey ODA, $635.8 million (2002)
Turkmenistan $16 million from the US (2001)
Turks and Caicos Islands $4.1 million (1997)
Tuvalu $13 million; note - major donors are Australia, Japan, and the US (1999 est.)
Uganda $959 million (2003)
Ukraine $463 million (1995); IMF Extended Funds Facility $2.2 billion (2005)
Uruguay $NA
Uzbekistan $91.6 million from the US (2005)
Vanuatu $37.8 million (2004)
Venezuela $74 million (2000)
Vietnam $2.8 billion in credits and grants pledged by the 2006 Consultative Group meeting in Hanoi (2004)
Virgin Islands $NA
Wallis and Futuna assistance from France, $NA
West Bank $1.14 billion; (includes Gaza Strip) (2004)
Western Sahara $NA
World ODA, $154 billion (2004)
Yemen $2.3 billion (2003-07 disbursements)
Zambia $640.6 million (2002)
Zimbabwe $178 million; note - the EU and the US provide food aid on humanitarian grounds (2000 est.)

This page was last updated on 31 May, 2007

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