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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Copenhagen named 'North European City of the Future'


International investment magazine fDi Magazine chooses Copenhagen as the 'North European City of the Future' from competing cities in the UK, Ireland and Benelux

International investment magazine fDi Magazine, published by the Financial Times Group, has chosen Copenhagen as the 'North European City of the Future' as part of a competition to nominate the European City of the Future 2004/2005. In the first round, Copenhagen won the title as the Future City of Scandinavia from nine competing Scandinavian cities. In the second round, the Danish capital came out top in competition with cities from the UK, Ireland and Benelux.


According to fDi, the arguments for choosing Copenhagen was that last year it hosted 42 greenfield and expansion projects involving foreign investment and creating 750 jobs. Lower rental and telecommunication costs helped to push the city ahead of its rivals and it also scored highly for its well-educated population (of whom 30% hold a university degree). The judges were impressed by the city's economic potential, recent FDI deals, housing, hospitals, international schools, promotion strategy and infrastructure planning.


The judges were leading publishers from fDi Magazine and consultants from Oxford Intelligence, Ernst & Young and KPMG. The news is reported by fDi Magazine.

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