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Don't Eat These Things Until You Watch This

Don't eat these

By Kausar ParvinPublished 14 days ago 3 min read
Don't eat these

The truth behind our favorite foods can be surprising. From crabsticks made from vomit to coffee beans passed through strange animals, the reality is hard to swallow. Today, we will explore the unusual processes that bring our foods to the table. Prepare to reconsider your grocery choices.

When bees gather nectar from flowers, they store it in their honey stomach. They then regurgitate it to other bees in the hive. Each bee adds enzymes to sweeten and digest the nectar. Finally, the honey is stored in the honeycomb. Honey is essentially bee vomit, but it's a result of teamwork.

The nectar is watery, so the bees flap their wings to speed up evaporation. They seal it with gooey substance from their bellies, which hardens into beeswax. This creates the honey vault where the golden sticky goodness is stored.

Now, it is quite amusing how we detest finding hair on our plate at a restaurant, yet we blissfully chew on a product that essentially requires a significant amount of hair to make chewing gum delightfully chewy. People often use lanolin, a waxy substance secreted by sheep's sebaceous glands, which assists sheep in maintaining the waterproofing of their wool and skin.

It's like human sebum - that greasy stuff that makes your hair oily. Chewing gum packets don't always list lanolin, but trust me, it's probably there. Companies don't have to disclose all their ingredients, so lanolin can be a secret addition. If you don't want to chew on sheep's oily stuff, go for vegan gum. Also, check your skincare products. Body creams and lotions can contain lanolin too. Not a fan of chewing gum? How about gummy candies instead?

Oranges, one of the most popular fruits, are often found at the bottom of the list. These fruits are commonly known to come from orange trees, but let's dive deeper into the topic of orange juice, particularly the bottled versions found in supermarkets. Sure, orange juice may pack a powerful punch of vitamin C, but it can also be a hidden source of sugar. In fact, a small bottle of OJ can contain about 8 teaspoons of sugar.

However, it gets even more interesting when we examine brands that claim to offer 100% orange juice. Unfortunately, not all of them are what they seem. Freshly squeezed orange juice has a short shelf life, leading manufacturers to remove the oxygen to prolong its lifespan. The downside of this process is that it strips away the natural flavor. To compensate for this, flavor packs made from chemically replicated orange essence and oil are added. Additionally, there's the issue of pesticides. These harmful chemicals are often sprayed on orange skins to keep bugs away. When the entire orange, including the skin, is juiced, the pesticides can make their way into the juice.

But don't give up on orange juice just yet! It can still be a refreshing and tasty addition to your morning routine. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, orange juice can provide numerous health benefits. The key is to take the extra effort and squeeze the oranges yourself. By doing so, you'll have fresh orange juice without the added sugars and additives found in store-bought options. In conclusion, while there are concerns surrounding commercially available orange juices, making your own fresh orange juice is a great way to enjoy all its benefits without any unwanted elements. So, don't hesitate to start your day with a glass of homemade orange juice. If this article satisfied your curiosity, feel free to like the video and share it with your friends.

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