Best of the AP

Best of the Week - First Winner March 08, 2024

AP beats everyone on Mitch McConnell’s decision to step down


Even before Mitch McConnell began speaking in the well of the Senate on Feb. 28, everyone knew what the majority leader’s historic announcement would be. That was because AP had already delivered the news, beating all the competition.

Deputy Bureau Chief Mike Tackett had obtained McConnell’s remarks in advance, saying that he planned to step down in November to close his run as the longest-serving Senate leader. Tackett also worked out an agreement that AP could publish before McConnell made his announcement on the Senate floor.

Tackett, who is writing a biography on McConnell, worked closely with digital politics editor Katie Vogel and Washington text editor Tom Strong to make sure copy was edited and ready go. When the time came, Strong filed the urgent copy perfectly with the APNewsAlert and full story moving within the same minute.

The news sent a buzz through the Senate floor, and several journalists there asked Tackett how he did it.

Tackett’s source work also enabled Congress reporter Mary Clare Jalonick and chief congressional correspondent Lisa Mascaro to dive straight into the ‘what happens next’ portion of reporting instead of having to focus on the breaking news.

For delivering a package that kept AP ahead of amazed competitors through the day, Tackett, Vogel, Strong, Mascaro and Jalonick are this week’s Best of the Week — First Winner.

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Best of the Week - Second Winner March 08, 2024

AP team overcomes security risks to cover Haiti’s spiraling violence


Experienced freelancers with deep knowledge of their native Haiti, video journalist Pierre Luxama and photographer Joseph Odelyn provided the first videos and photos from the international media after a powerful gang leader announced he would try to capture the police chief and government minister while the prime minister was out of the country.

Prime Minister Ariel Henry was in Kenya to secure the deployment of a police force to help fight the very gangs that were attacking targets back home, including the international airport. Caribbean correspondent based in Puerto Rico Dánica Coto and Latin America Affairs correspondent Josh Goodman based in Miami worked with reporter Evens Sanon to explain the scope and back story of the ensuing lawlessness to an international audience.

As the teams navigated the extremely volatile situation on the ground, regional desk editors and producers expanded the coverage through digitally friendly text and a video explainer.

For taking all the possible safety measures to safely continue covering Haiti’s chaotic volatility and providing reporting support beyond borders, AP’s Haiti reporting team of Luxama, Odelyn, Coto, Goodman and Sanon are Best of the Week — Second Winner.

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