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Can we feed the world without starving the planet? A new AP series spotlights innovators trying to solve this problem

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Taste testers try cultivated meat made in labs

More than 150 startups are chasing an ambitious goal: meat that doesn’t require raising and killing animals that is affordable and tastes and feels like the meat we eat now. (Nov. 16) (AP Video: Terry Chea)

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Meat without the animals: can cultivated meat gain popularity?

Meat cultivated from cells — with no need to raise and slaughter an animal — is starting to show up in restaurants around the world. But can it be made cheaply enough to displace animal agriculture? (Nov. 16) (AP Video/ Emma H. Tobin)

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Plant-based meat is a simple solution to climate woes

Climate scientists have long said that eating more plants and fewer animals is among the simplest, cheapest and most readily available ways for people to reduce their impact on the environment. (Nov. 16) (AP Video: Daniel Niemann, Brittany Peterson)

Cows grazing in a green field with flowers
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What is regenerative cattle ranching? The practice could make beef production more climate friendly

For generations, beef has been a way of life in Texas. It’s also the single most damaging food for the planet. Some ranchers are turning toward regenerative ranching, to make burgers less burdensome. (Nov. 16) (AP Video/Shelby Lum)

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Pastoralists in Senegal keep up in a changing world

In Senegal, pastoralists who now live with climate change in a way their parents never did say they see its effects in their daily lives — on water, on the animals, on the land. (Nov. 16) (AP Video/Yesica Fisch)

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What is pastoralism? The traditional practice in Mongolia offers lessons on sustainable farming

Pastoralists in Mongolia draw on millennia of experience to raise livestock in harsh, volatile climates. What can they teach us as our environment changes? (Nov. 16) (AP Video/Shelby Lum)

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Researchers look to find methane-reducing feed for cows

No food is harder on the environment than beef. At Colorado State University, research centers on supplements used on feedlots, where most U.S. cattle spend their final months before slaughter. (AP Video/Shelby Lum)

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Local community learns ways to save the rainforest

In the Brazilian Amazon, home to 28 million people, saving the remaining rainforest will require ensuring that nearby communities are also able to sustainably make a living. (Nov. 16) (AP Video:Lucas Dumphreys)

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Growing rainforest fruit faces many challenges

Some Brazilian farmers are trying to scale up the practice of harvesting rainforest fruits. But there are many challenges due to poor road conditions and spotty internet and cell-phone service that makes it difficult to harvest the fruit before it spoils. (Nov. 16) (AP Video: Lucas Dumphreys)

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Company uses mushroom root in plant-based meat

The veggie burger has come a long way from the dry patties of the past, just not far enough to convert legions of meat lovers. But new techniques are in development, with hopes of satisfying our enduring craving for flesh with plants. (Nov. 16) (AP Video: Brittany Peterson)

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Aquaculture villages bring sustainable fish farming

Fish farmers in Indonesia are being trained as part of a larger plan by the Indonesian government to establish aquaculture villages around the country. (Nov. 16) (AP Video: Fadlan Syam, Kathy Young)

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French fly factory helps feed fish

At one company in France, protein-rich black soldier flies are being raised as a feed alternative for fish grown in farms. (Nov. 16) (AP Video: Angie Wang, Kathy Young)

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A Salmon fishery in a Florida warehouse

Aquaculture has been the fastest growing food sector in the world for decades, and people now eat more farmed fish than wild fish. Fish farmers are trying new ways to boost production and minimize harm. (Nov. 16) (AP Video/Angie Wang, Kathy Young)

More news

Cheetahs become more nocturnal on hot days. Climate change may trigger fights among predators

A new study finds that endangered cheetahs are more likely to hunt at dawn and dusk on hot days, which increases their odds of conflict with other nocturnal predators.

Shimmering galaxies revealed in new photos by European space telescope

Scientists have unveiled the first pictures taken by the European space telescope Euclid. The photos were revealed by the European Space Agency on Tuesday, four months after the telescope launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Oldest black hole discovered dating back to 470 million years after the Big Bang

Scientists have discovered the oldest black hole yet, formed a mere 470 million years after the Big Bang.

NASA spacecraft discovers tiny moon around asteroid during close flyby

The little asteroid visited by NASA’s Lucy spacecraft this week had a big surprise for scientists _ a mini moon.

Birds in North America will be renamed to avoid any ‘harmful’ historical associations with people

Birds in North America will no longer be named after people. The American Ornithological Society announced the move Wednesday.

NASA’s Lucy spacecraft swoops past first of 10 asteroids on long journey to Jupiter

NASA’s Lucy spacecraft has encountered the first of 10 asteroids on its long journey out to Jupiter.

A new cure for sickle cell disease may be coming. Health advisers will review it next week

There soon may be a new cure for sickle cell disease that attacks the disorder at its genetic source.

People of African ancestry are poorly represented in genetic studies. A new effort would change that

Scientists are setting out to collect genetic material from 500,000 people of African ancestry to create the world’s largest database of genomic information from the population.

Gaza’s limited water supply raises concerns for human health

Limited water supplies are posing a growing threat to human health in the Gaza Strip. Regular sources of water have mostly dried up with Israel cutting off pipelines and fuel and electricity to run water and sewage plants.

NASA spacecraft launched to mysterious and rare metal asteroid in first mission of its kind

A NASA spacecraft has rocketed away on a six-year journey to a rare asteroid made of metal. SpaceX launched the Psyche spacecraft on Friday from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

NASA shows off its first asteroid samples delivered by a spacecraft

NASA is showing off its first asteroid samples delivered last month by a spacecraft. Scientists and space agency leaders took part in Wednesday’s big reveal at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Walgreens pharmacy staffers stage walkouts over work conditions

Walgreens has named a new CEO as pharmacy staff walked off the job this week over concerns that working conditions are putting employees and patients at risk.

‘Ring of fire’ solar eclipse will slice across Americas on Saturday with millions along path

Tens of millions in the Americas are getting front-row seats for a rare “ring of fire” eclipse of the sun.

Amazon launches test satellites for its planned internet service to compete with SpaceX

Amazon has launched the first test satellites for its planned internet service. United Launch Alliance’s Atlas rocket blasted off Friday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with the two test satellites.

Further evidence points to footprints in New Mexico being the oldest sign of humans in Americas

New research shows that fossil footprints discovered at the edge of an ancient lakebed in New Mexico’s White Sands National Park date back to between 21,000 and 23,000 years ago.

Amphibians are the world’s most vulnerable animals and threats are increasing

The world’s frogs, salamanders, newts and other amphibians remain in serious trouble. A new global assessment has found that 41% of amphibians that scientists have studied are threatened with extinction, meaning they are either vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered.

3 scientists win Nobel in chemistry for quantum dots research used in electronics, medical imaging

Three scientists in the United States have won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their work on quantum dots.

How are ancient Roman and Mayan buildings still standing? Scientists are unlocking their secrets

Scientists are trying to understand how some ancient buildings have lasted for centuries in hopes of making modern buildings more durable.

Karikó and Weissman win Nobel Prize in medicine for work that enabled mRNA vaccines against COVID-19

Two scientists have won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discoveries that enabled the creation of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 and that could be used to develop other shots in the future.

Three astronauts return to Earth after a year in space. NASA’s Frank Rubio sets US space record

A NASA astronaut and two Russians are back on Earth after being stuck in space for just over a year.

We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy

More research is showing that we carry genes from other kinds of ancient humans, and their DNA affects our lives today.

NASA’s first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

A space capsule carrying NASA’s first asteroid samples has landed in the Utah desert. The Osiris-Rex spacecraft released the capsule Sunday, following a seven-year journey to asteroid Bennu and back.

Science paints a new picture of the ancient past, when we mixed and mated with other kinds of humans

The science of human evolution has made big leaps in recent years, and it’s painting a new picture of our origins.

Weakening Ophelia still poses a risk of coastal flooding and heavy rain in some parts of the US

Nearly a day after being downgraded from a tropical storm, Ophelia is still threatening much of the Northeast with coastal flooding, life-threatening waves and heavy rain from Washington to New York City.

The fall equinox is here. What does that mean?

Fall gets its official start this weekend in the Northern Hemisphere. This year’s autumnal equinox arrives on Saturday. But what does that mean?

NASA spacecraft delivering biggest sample yet from an asteroid

Planet Earth is about to receive the biggest sample yet from an asteroid. A NASA spacecraft will fly by Earth on Sunday and drop off pebbles and dust collected from the asteroid Bennu to close out a seven-year journey.

Rural hospitals are closing maternity wards. People are seeking options to give birth closer to home

Fewer than half of rural hospitals have labor and delivery units and the number keeps dropping. It’s forcing pregnant women to travel longer distances for care or face giving birth in an emergency room.

Pig kidney works a record 2 months in donated body, raising hope for animal-human transplants

For a history-making two months, a pig’s kidney worked normally inside a brain-dead man. And while the dramatic experiment ended this week, it’s raising hope for eventually testing pig kidneys in living patients.

NASA says more science and less stigma are needed to understand UFOs

NASA says the study of UFOs will require new scientific techniques, including advanced satellites as well as a shift in how unidentified flying objects are perceived.

Special mosquitoes are being bred to fight dengue. How the old enemies are now becoming allies

Preventing dengue fever has long meant teaching people to fear mosquitoes and avoid their bites. Now scientists are promoting a new way to control the disease with the help of mosquitoes.