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Journal Editors

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Springer journal editors benefit from a multitude of services and resources. Journal editors provide a critical function in scholarly communication and we aim to provide the guidance and support needed to publish exceptional research. Elevate your journal and continue to nurture its growth through every stage of the publishing process.

Resources for Editors

  • AdobeStock_112132282-[Konvertiert]

    Editor Reference Guide

    Utilize this reference guide as a resource for the services and tools you can utilize in the day-to-day running of your journal.

  • Adobestock_133620543

    Publisher's Code of Conduct

    Take this free e-learning course to learn the fundamental concepts and standards of our Publisher's Code of Conduct.

Services for Your Journal

  • SN_Sharedit

    Share your journal's articles easily

    SharedIt makes it easy to share journal articles with anyone. Gain more exposure for your journal's research.

  • Citation Alert

    Springer Citations

    Explore your journal's citations. Discover which papers are performing well.

  • Transfer desk

    The Transfer Desk

    Maintain the scope and quality of your journal while offering authors of rejected papers the option to publish in a more suitable journal.

Editorial Guide: Pre-Production

  • Editorial board

    Editorial Boards

    Learn the structure, functions, roles and strategies of setting up a strong Editorial Board.

  • Soliciting Articles

    Soliciting Article Submissions

    Learn strategies for maintaining a healthy paper flow and how to get the best quality papers for publication.

  • Peer Review

    Peer Review

    Learn about the importance of peer review and how to make the process run as smoothly as possible.

Editorial Guide: Journal Production and Beyond