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Articles Assigned for Translation

This page lists articles assigned for translation but not yet published online.

French Title English Title Vol:Page #
(title not yet translated)2:199
Abari(title not yet translated)1:11
AbatelementAbatelement (Commerce)1:10
Abattre(title not yet translated)1:11
Abattre(title not yet translated)1:11
Abattre du bois au trictrac(title not yet translated)1:11
Abattue(title not yet translated)1:11
Abattures(title not yet translated)1:11
Abavents(title not yet translated)1:11
Abawiwar(title not yet translated)1:11
Abayance(title not yet translated)1:11
Abazée(title not yet translated)1:11
Abba(title not yet translated)1:11
Abbaasi(title not yet translated)1:11
Abbaye(title not yet translated)1:12
Abbaye(title not yet translated)1:11
Abbecher ou Abbecquer(title not yet translated)1:14
Abbé(title not yet translated)1:14
Abbé(title not yet translated)1:14
Abbé(title not yet translated)1:14
Abbé(title not yet translated)1:12
AberrationAberration (Astronomy)1:23
AcadémieAcademy (Literary history)1:52
ActeAct (Law. Modern history)1:116
ActionAction (Poetry)1:121
Adamites ou AdamiensAdamites (Theology)1:127
AdmirationAdmiration (Ethics)1:140
AffichesPosters (Palace term)1:158
Ague à rompre(title not yet translated)1:874
AilesLeaf (Clockmaking)1:213
Aleuromancie(title not yet translated)1:256
AllegorieAllegory (Literature)1:280
AmateurAmateur (Fine arts)1:317
Amautas(title not yet translated)1:317
Amazones, riviere des AmazonesAmazon, Amazon River1:318
Ambre jauneYellow amber (Natural history)1:324
Amende honorableHonorable amends1:355
Amour ConjugalConjugal love1:369
Amour de la gloireLove of glory1:368
AmphithéatreAmphitheater (Ancient history)1:377
Amsterdam la nouvelleNew Amsterdam1:383
AnatomieAnatomy (Anatomy)1:409
AndroideAndroid (Mechanics)1:448
ApocalypseApocalypse (Theology)1:527
ApplaudissementApplause (Ancient history)1:550
Appointé(title not yet translated)1:554
Apurima ou Aporimac(title not yet translated)1:563
Arabes. Etat de la Philosophie chez les anciens ArabesArabs, State of the Philosophy of the ancient Arabs (Philosophy)1:566
ArdoiseSlate (Natural history. Mineralogy)1:628
Arovaques(title not yet translated)1:701
Arpeggio, Arpége ou ArpégementArpeggio (Music)1:701
AthéismeAtheism (Metaphysics)1:815
Attraction, attractio ou tractioAttraction (Mechanics)1:846
Aubaine(title not yet translated)1:863
Baal-BerithBaal-Berith (Mythology)2:3
Baal-Gad, ou Bagad, ou BegadBaal-Gad or Bagad or Begad (Ancient history. Mythology)2:3
Baal-HasorBaal-Hasor (Sacred geography)2:3
Bagaude(title not yet translated)2:12
BalisteBallista (Military Arts)2:37
BarricadeBarricade (War term)2:94
BatailleBattle (Military tactic)2:132
BataillonBattalion (Military Arts)2:135
Belomantie(title not yet translated)2:199
BengaleBengal (Geography)2:204
Benjans(title not yet translated)2:204
Bigot(title not yet translated)2:248
Blanc(title not yet translated)2:270
BlancheurWhiteness (Physics)2:272
Bleu d'Inde et Indigo(title not yet translated)2:282
Bleu d'azur(title not yet translated)2:282
Bleu d'émail(title not yet translated)2:282
Bois d'inde, Bois de la Jamaïque, ou Bois de campeche(title not yet translated)2:308
Bois de Bresil(title not yet translated)2:308
Bois fossile(title not yet translated)2:307
Bois rouge ou Bois de sang(title not yet translated)2:309
BombeBomb (Artillery)2:316
Bonheur, ProspéritéHappiness, Prosperity (Grammar)2:323
BontéGoodness (Ethics)2:329
BouilliePorridge (pulp) (Papermaking. Cardboard working)2:357
Boulons(title not yet translated)2:365
Bouquet(title not yet translated)2:366
Bourbon, (Ile de) ou MascareigneBourbon Island, or Mascarene (Geography)2:367
Bourre, rouge de(title not yet translated)2:371
Bras(title not yet translated)2:399
Bresiller(title not yet translated)2:412
Bruyere(title not yet translated)2:453
CabinetCabinet (Architecture)2:488
Cabinet d'histoire naturelleNatural history collection2:489
Cagots ou Capots(title not yet translated)2:530
CahierGathering (Bookbinding)2:531
Calcaire (terre ou pierre)Limestone (earth or stone) (Natural history. Chemistry)2:541
Canepin(title not yet translated)2:596
CapitalesCapitals (Printing)2:631
Caractères et Alphabets de Langues Mortes et Vivantes [planches]Characters and alphabets of dead and living languages [plates]19:20:1
Cardialgie(title not yet translated)2:677
CartonBoard (Mechanical arts)2:727
Casseau(title not yet translated)2:746
CerveauBrain (Anatomy)2:862
ChaconneChaconne (Dance)3:4
ChaconneChaconne (Music)3:4
ChamoiseurChamois tanner3:69
ChantChant (Literature)3:142
ChantChant (Literature)3:142
ChantSinging (Music)3:140
Chapeau(title not yet translated)3:160
Chapelier [planches]Hatmaker [plates]19:29:1
Chaperon(title not yet translated)3:178
CharmeCharm (Divination)3:210
Chat, felis, catusCat (Natural history)3:234
Chemise(title not yet translated)3:282
Cheval, equusHorse (Natural history. Horsemanship. Farrier's art)3:300
Chevaucher(title not yet translated)3:315
Chevilles(title not yet translated)3:319
ChevilletteSewing keys (Bookbinding)3:320
Chicachas(title not yet translated)3:326
ChineChina (Geography)3:339
Chinois, philosophie desChinese philosophy (History of philosophy)3:341
CireWax (Natural history)3:471
CocardeCocade (Military Arts)3:557
Cochenillage(title not yet translated)3:559
CoctionCoction (Medicine)3:564
Code ruralRural code3:583
Colique bilieuse(title not yet translated)3:620
Collationner(title not yet translated)3:626
Colombier(title not yet translated)3:646
ColèreAnger (Medicine)3:615
Comma(title not yet translated)3:683
Compagnie anglaise des IndesEnglish East India Company (Commerce)15:620
CompositionComposition (Music)3:771
Comédie sainteReligious comedy3:669
ComédienPlayer (Literature)3:671
ConscienceConscience (Natural law. Ethics)3:902
Conseiller du roiRoyal counsellor4:30
ConstellationConstellation (Astronomy)4:59
Contentement, SatisfactionContentment, Satisfaction (Grammar)4:111
Contre(title not yet translated)4:129
Contre-pointCounterpoint (Music)4:139
Contre-poinçon(title not yet translated)4:139
ContredanseContra dance4:133
Corybante(title not yet translated)4:288
Coupés du mouvement(title not yet translated)4:348
Cousoir à coudre les livresSewing frame (Bookbinding)4:404
Couteau à parerParing knife4:408
CoûtumeCustom (Ethics)4:410
Coûtume, UsageCustom, usage (Grammar. Synonyms)4:410
Coûtume, habitudeCustom, habit (Synonyms. Grammar)4:411
Cramoisi(title not yet translated)4:429
CritiqueCriticism (Literature)4:489
Crochet ou EschopesHook (Clockmaking)4:499
Cynique, secte de philosophes anciensCynic, sect of ancient philosophers (History of philosophy)4:594
Danse armée(title not yet translated)4:625
Danse des Curetes et des Corybantes(title not yet translated)4:625
Danse sacréeSacred dance4:623
Danses champêtres ou rustiquesCountry dances4:625
DentTooth (Bookbinding)4:843
DentelleDentelle (Bookbinding)4:847
DiableDevil (Theology)4:927
DifférenceDifference (Medicine)4:985
DifférenceDifference (Infinite geometry)4:984
DifférenceDifference (Arithmetic. Algebra)4:984
DifférenceDifference (Metaphysics)4:984
DivinitéDivinity (Grammar. Theology)4:1073
DivisionDivision (Seamanship)4:1082
DivisionDivision (Jurisprudence)1:1082
DivisionDivision (Logic)4:1076
Division de dettes actives et passivesDivision of active and passive debts4:1082
Division ou Partage d'héritagesDivision or Distribution of inheritance4:1082
Doron(title not yet translated)5:56
DoublerDoublure (Bookbinding)5:81
DouleurPain (Medicine)5:83
DrapeauFlag (History. Military Arts)5:106
Drogman ou DroguemanDragoman (Modern history. Commerce)5:113
EcritureWriting (Ancient history. Grammar. Arts)5:358
Ecu(title not yet translated)5:377
Ecu(title not yet translated)5:377
Ecu de Sobieski(title not yet translated)5:377
EloquentEloquent (Literature)5:531
Enfance de Jesus-Christ, (Filles de l')Childhood of Jesus Christ, (Daughters of the)5:652
Enfans de langueLanguage children (Commerce)5:663
EnnemiEnemy (Law of nations)5:692
EntrepôtEntrepot (Commerce)5:732
EquitationHorsemanship (Ancient history. Modern history)5:883
Etat de la guerreState of war6:30
EthiopieEthiopia (Geography)6:54
ExcèsExcess (Commerce)6:219
ExcèsExcess (Grammar)6:219
ExpressionExpression (Painting)6:319
ExpressionExpression (Opera)6:315
ExpressionExpression (Literature)6:315
ExpressionExpression (Algebra)6:315
FantaisieFancy (Farrier's art)6:403
FatalitéFatality (Metaphysics)6:422
Fausseté(title not yet translated)6:438
Fendre (Machine à)(title not yet translated)6:482
Fendre, (machine à)(title not yet translated)6:490
Feu, pompe àSteam pump (Hydraulics. Mechanical arts)6:603
FiançaillesEngagement (Ancient history. Modern history)6:659
FlecheArrow (Military Arts)6:850
Fleuret(title not yet translated)6:865
Flotte invincibleInvincible armada (Modern history)6:879
FoiFaith (Theology)7:7
FolieMadness (Ethics)7:42
Fonderie des canons – [1] [Planches I-V] [planches]Cannon casting – [1] [Plates I-V] [plates]22:3:1
Fonderie des canons – [2] [Planches VI, VII &amp; VIII] [planches]Cannon casting – [2] [Plates VI-VIII] [plates]22:3:3
Fonderie des canons – [3] [Planches IX - XXV] [planches]Cannon casting – [3] [Plates IX - XXV] [plates]22:3:8
ForgeForge (Mechanical arts)7:134
Fou(title not yet translated)7:212
FustPlow (Bookbinding)7:401
Fêtes de la Ville de Paris(title not yet translated)6:585
Fêtes des Mahométans Muslim holidays6:565
Fêtes des PayensPagan holidays (Ancient history)6:564
GalerieGallery (Painting)7:443
GambitGambit (Chess)7:460
Garde(title not yet translated)7:511
Genre(title not yet translated)7:595
Genre(title not yet translated)7:595
Genre(title not yet translated)7:594
GenreGenre (Natural history)7:594
Genre(title not yet translated)7:594
Genre(title not yet translated)7:594
GeronteGeronte (Ancient history)7:649
Glace(title not yet translated)7:687
Grace(title not yet translated)7:803
Grace(title not yet translated)7:805
Graveur en cuivre, en acier, au burin, à l'eau forte, en bois, en maniere noire, & en clair-obscur(title not yet translated)7:866
GravitationGravitation (Physics)7:871
GravureEngraving (Fine arts)7:877
Groizon(title not yet translated)7:951
Guarmay(title not yet translated)7:977
GuerreWar (History. Military Arts)7:985
GéographieGeography (Geography)7:608
GéometreGeometer (Mathematics)7:627
HabileSkillful (Grammar)8:6
HabitClothing (Fashion)8:11
Harmonique(title not yet translated)8:54
HexagoneHexagon (Geometry)8:196
HyphenDivision (Printing)4:1083
Hystérique, passion ou affectionHysterical passion or illness8:420
HérésieHeresy (Sacred criticism)8:158
IdentitéIdentity (Metaphysics)8:494
Idylle(title not yet translated)8:505
IgnoranceIgnorance (Metaphysics)8:549
IllusionIllusion (Grammar. Literature)8:557
Ilotes(title not yet translated)8:558
ImitationImitation (Grammar. Philosophy)8:567
ImprimerPrint (Grammar)8:607
ImpérissableImperishable (Grammar. Philosophy)8:593
IndesIndies, the (Modern geography)8:662
Indes, Compagnie Hollandoise desDutch East India Company (Commerce)8:664
IndividuIndividual (Metaphysics)8:684
IngénuIngenue (Ancient history)8:744
Inquisiteur d'état(title not yet translated)8:773
IntervallleInterval (Music)8:838
IntrigueIntrigue (Literature)8:845
Jacquerie, la(title not yet translated)8:430
JambeLeg (Anatomy. Surgery. Medicine. Orthopedics)8:440
JargonJargon (Grammar)8:461
Jaune de CorroyeursStil de grain (tanner's yellow)8:476
Jordanus Brunus, philosophie de(title not yet translated)8:881
JournalJournal (Literature)8:896
Juifs, philosophie desJudaic philosophy (History of philosophy)9:25
JupiterJupiter (Mythology)9:65
Kilistinons ou Kiristinous, ou Christinaux, ou Krigs(title not yet translated)9:128
Kraals(title not yet translated)9:137
LabeurLabor (Grammar)9:144
LecteurReader (Literature)9:334
LecteurReader (Modern literature)9:333
Liaison(title not yet translated)9:454
Liberté de conscienceFreedom of conscience3:903
Loi criminelleCriminal law (Ancient civil law. Modern civil law)9:657
Loi politiquePolitical law (Political law)9:667
Lutherie – [2] Seconde suite [planches]Musical instrument Making – [2] Second section [plates]22:14:2
Lycurgées(title not yet translated)9:774
MachineMachine (Hydraulics)9:794
Manitous(title not yet translated)10:41
MarbrierMarbler (Mechanical arts)10:77
Mariage des TurcsTurkish marriage (Modern history)10:115
Mariage précipitéHasty marriage10:112
Marteau à battre les livresHammer for beating books (Bookbinding)10:163
Maréchal ferrant [planches]Farrier [plates]24:6:1
Maréchal grossier [planches]Wheelwright [plates]24:7:1
MatchezNatchez (Geography)11:35
MesseMass (Religion)10:399
Michabou(title not yet translated)10:485
MissouriMissouri (Geography)10:579
Mogol, l'empire duMughal Empire (Geography)10:612
Mollesse(title not yet translated)10:631
Monnoies, cours desMonies, Courts of10:656
MonstreMonster (Zoology)10:671
Mords des livresShoulder of books (Bookbinding)10:709
Mords du cartonShoulder of the board10:709
Mouiller les veauxDampening calfskins (Bookbinding)10:782
MouvementMovement (Clockmaking)10:842
Mégie(title not yet translated)10:306
MégisserieTanning of sheep and goat leather (Commerce)10:306
Mégissier(title not yet translated)10:306
MémoireMemory (Metaphysics)10:326
Nacarat(title not yet translated)11:3
NatureNature (Philosophy)11:40
NauséeNausea (Medicine)11:61
NecroseNecrosis (Medicine)11:70
NerfNerve (Anatomy)11:100
Nerver un livre(title not yet translated)11:104
Nicolaïtes(title not yet translated)11:135
Noir d'Espagne(title not yet translated)11:188
NoirceurBlackness (Physics)11:189
Nombre rentrant(title not yet translated)11:209
Nu, NuditéNude, Nudity (Sacred criticism)11:275
Nécyomantie(title not yet translated)11:71
Néphéris(title not yet translated)11:97
ObservationObservation (Astronomy)11-323
ObservatoireObservatory (Astronomy)11:323
OrateurOrator (Eloquence. Rhetoric)11:559
OrateurOrator (Modern history)11:573
Orateurs romainsRoman orators (History of eloquence)11:566
Orfèvre-bijoutier [planches]Goldsmith-metalsmith [plates]25:6:1
OrgasmeOrgasm (Medicine)11:630
Orgueil, Orgueilleux(title not yet translated)11:641
OrphéeOrpheus (Literature. Mythology. History)11:661
Osculateur(title not yet translated)11:681
Ossemens fossilesFossil bones (Natural history. Mineralogy)11:686
Ouvrages de l'art de la et natureWorks of art and of nature (Microscopic science)11:722
Ozages(title not yet translated)11:730
Pacay(title not yet translated)11:735
Pain fossile(title not yet translated)11:752
Paix, Traité dePeace treaty (Political law)11:769
PanPan (Mythology)11:805
PantomimePantomime (Roman theater games )11:827
Papeterie [planches]Papermaking [plates]22:17:1
ParcheminParchment (Commerce)11:929
Parcheminier [planches]Parchment maker [plates]25:8:1
Parer(title not yet translated)11:938
Parlement de Bordeaux(title not yet translated)12:44
PasStep (Dance)12:110
PathologiePathology (Medicine. Pathology)12:170
Paume(title not yet translated)12:200
Paume, jeu de la longue(title not yet translated)12:201
Paume, le jeu de(title not yet translated)12:201
Paumier [planches]Tennis equipment maker [plates]25:11:1
PendulePendulum (Clockmaking)12:298
PerruquierWigmaker (Mechanical arts)12
Persécuter, persécuteur, persécutionPersecute, persecutor, persecution (Natural law. Ethics)12:425
Peuple, lePeople, the (Political government)12:475
PinceBand nippers (Bookbinding)12:637
PiscoPisco (Modern geography)12:656
Pié ou PiedFoot (Anatomy)12:555
Plain ou Plein(title not yet translated)12:685
PlierFold (Bookbinding)12:770
PlioirFolder (Bookbinding)12:772
Poinçon à river Staking punch (Clockmaking)12:868
Porte-feuillePortfolio (Bookbinding)13:140
PortepagePortepage (Printing)13:142
Portrait, image, figure, effigie(title not yet translated)13:153
Poétique, compositionPoetic composition (Poetry)12:849
Poétique, stylePoetic style (Poetry)12:849
Problème des trois corps(title not yet translated)13:402
Prophetes de Baal(title not yet translated)13:462
PropositionProposition (Logic)13:476
Prostituer, Prostitution(title not yet translated)13:502
Précipice, Gouffre, AbysmePrecipice, chasm, abyss (Grammar. Synonyms)13:270
PyrometrePyrometer (Physics)13:605
Pythagorisme ou Philosophie de PythagorePythagorism or Philosophy of Pythagoras (History of philosophy)13:614
PéchéSin (Theology)12:225
Périgord, lePérigord, the (Modern geography)12:357
PériodePeriod (Grammar. Rhetoric)12:361
Querelle d'inofficiosité (title not yet translated)13:699
Querelle, sergent de la(title not yet translated)13:699
Querelleur(title not yet translated)13:699
Queue(title not yet translated)13:706
Ravaudeuse(title not yet translated)13:830
RavenneRavenna (Modern geography)13:831
Reggio(title not yet translated)14:1
RelierBinding (Bookbinding)14:70
Relieure, ou art de relier les livresBookbinding, or art of binding books (Mechanical arts)14:70
Religieuse(title not yet translated)14:77
Religieux(title not yet translated)14:78
Religieux(title not yet translated)14:78
ReligionReligion (Theology)14:78
RenversementBalance stops (Clockmaking)14:123
Ressort ou grand ressortSpring or mainspring14:187
RhétoriqueRhetoric (Literature)14:250
RiverRivet, to (Clockmaking)14:303
RochetRatchet (Clockmaking)14:315
RomanceRomance (Literature)14:343
RomeRome (Ancient geography)14:346
Roskolniki, secte desRoskolniki sect (Christian religion)14:373
RougeRed (Physics)14:401
Ruban des canons des MisselsRibbon to mark the canon in missals (Bookbinding)14:423
RégleurRuler (Bookbinding)14:31
RépétitionRepetition (Clockmaking)14:133
RésurrectionResurrection (Theology)14:196
Salamandre fossile(title not yet translated)14:536
SaraceniSaracens (Ancient geography)14:642
Sciences – Mathématiques – Pompe à feu [planches]Science – Mathematics – Steam pump [plates]22:2:7
Secret(title not yet translated)14:862
Semoir(title not yet translated)14:947
SibylleSibyl (Greek necromancy. Roman necromancy )15:155
Signet(title not yet translated)15:189
SompiSompi (Weights)15:343
SongeDream (Metaphysics. Physiology)15:354
SongerDream, to (Metaphysics)15:358
Soulever, se soulever(title not yet translated)15:404
SphinxSphinx (Mythology)15:460
SuccubeSuccubus (Divination)15:607
Supplément d'un arcSupplement of an angle (Geometry. Trigonometry)15:673
Supposition(title not yet translated)15:679
SybaritesSybarites (History)15:710
SyrieSyria (Ancient geography)15:771
SystèmeSystem (Finances)15:781
SystèmeSystem (Military Arts)15:779
SystèmeSystem (Literature)15:779
TablePlank (Printing)15:802
Tablettes(title not yet translated)15:808
Tact, le, le tact, le toucher, l'attouchmentTouch (Physiology)15:819
Taillandier [planches]Toolmaker [plates]26:8:1
TerreEarth (Geography. Physics)16:166
Terres arctiquesArctic lands (Modern geography)16:180
Thomasius, philosophie deThomasius, philosophy of (History of philosophy)16:284
Théatre des Grecs(title not yet translated)16:234
Torture ou QuestionTorture16:439
TravailWork (Farrier's art)16:567
TravailWork (Military Arts)16:567
TravailWork (Sacred criticism)16:567
TravailWork (Grammar)16:567
Tringle à dorerFinishing rod (Bookbinding)16:644
Triumvirs, des coloniesTriumvirs of the colonies (Roman history)16:666
TruffeTruffle (Natural history. Botany)16:723
TurquieTurkey (Modern geography)16:755
TémoinWitness (Bookbinding)16:55
TêteHead (Anatomy)16:198
Tête à perruque(title not yet translated)16:204
Veau(title not yet translated)16:867
ViandeMeat (Sacred criticism)17:228
ViandeMeat (Grammar)17:228
VieillesseOld age (Mythology)17:260
VieillesseOld age (Ethics)17:260
VieillesseOld age (Physiology)17:259
VinWine (Chemistry)17:283
Vins grecsGreek wines (Agriculture)17:301
VisageFace (Medicine)17:337
VoixVoice (Music)17:436
VolitionVolition (Metaphysics)17:453
VueVision (Physiology)17:565
Vélin(title not yet translated)16:879
Yorck, la nouvelleNew York (Modern geography)17:672
Zone torrideTorrid zone (Modern geography)17:725
ÉtrangerStranger (Political law)6:71

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