ASIA/VIETNAM - The Pope accepts resignation of Bishop of Dà Nang and appoints successor
Monday, 15 May 2006

Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI, on 13 May 2006, has accepted the renunciation of the pastoral government of the diocese of Dà Nang (Viêt Nam), presented by Bishop Paul Nguyên Bình Tinh, P.S.S., (Society of Priests St Sulpice) in conformity with the Code of Canon Law, can. 401 § 1. The Holy Father appointed Bishop of Đà Nang (Viêt Nam) Reverend Joseph Chau Ngoc Tri, parish priest at Tra Kieu and a member of the diocesan council.
The new Bishop Rev. Joseph Chau Ngoc Tri of the clergy of Dà Nang was born on 12 September 1956, in the village of Phuoc Am, diocese of Dà Nang. He studied philosophy and theology at the diocesan major seminary (1975-1982), but in secret because the seminary had been officially closed by the government authorities. He was ordained a priest on 21 November 1989 for the diocese of Dà Nang. Since his ordination he has been parish priest at Ha Lam, (1989-1998), member of the diocesan council (1996-1998) studies in Pastoral Theology at the Catholic Institute, Paris (1998-2002). Since 2003 he has been parish priest at Tra Kieu, rector of Tra Kieu Marian Centre, Dean of Hoi An deanery and member of the diocesan council.
Da Nang diocese, created in 1963, is a suffragan of the archdiocese of Hué. It has an area of 11,690 sq., km, a population of 2,215,000 including 59,170 Catholics, gathered in 39 parishes assisted by 61 diocesan priests, 460 women religious and there are 29 seminarians. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 15/5/2006; Righe 16; Parole 238)
