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Campus Interview Preparation
Smooth Transition into the First Job
Evolution into a Competitive Professional

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In India: INR 18,000
Outside India : USD $490

Finishing School: Campus Placement Preparation and Beyond…

Aptitude Test Preparation, Job Interview Preparation, Professionalism: Be Corporate Ready!

We at Experts’ Global recognize the wide gap that exists between the skills of a student in the final year of bachelor (or master) education and the expectations of the recruiters from a professional right from the first day of career. The intent of our Finishing School initiative is to narrow down this gap, making an individual âcorporate ready. This versatile module with the finest mentors can prove a cornerstone in, first: helping an individual bag oneâs dream job and then: grow up the echelons in one’s industry and domain.

While Aptitude Test preparation for Campus Placement is an important part of the concept, it is not to be confused with yet another Aptitude Test preparation module. The intent is much broader: to make a student ‘job ready’.

Here is an overview of the elements covered in our Finishing School module…


Modes of job Search

While Campus Placements are the easiest, most efficient, and effective mode for job searches, the smart students do not confine their job search to the periphery of campus placements. Your first job is the stepping stone for where your career shall take you and one must try various options, alongside the campus placements, for getting that first job. Under this section of our Finishing School initiative, we guide you about the various ways for reaching out to your potential recruiters and getting your first dream job. The knowledge of same resources shall also help you in strategizing and implementing your career switches in the further course of your career

An Overview of Campus Placement Interviews

Under this section of our Finishing School module, we guide the students about what to expect during a campus placement process. Often, the fancy term: Campus Placement remains obscure to the students and it takes a few interviews to get used to the entire campus placement process. Often, the first few companies to visit a campus are the mass recruiters and an aware student remains ready with the knockout punch, in the very first campus placement interview. Undergoing this overview with our team of seasoned mentors ensures that a student is aware of the general processes in a campus placement interview and is ready for the series of aptitude tests and rigorous selection processes involvedt


This section of the module works as an ice breaker between our mentors and the student. Solving puzzles is an entertaining process and works as a good warm up for the mental rigor one has to undergo in the rigorous campus placement, aptitude preparation, and being €˜corporate ready. Our wisely selected puzzles invigorate a student to think out of the box and explore different possibilities towards examining a scenario. Very often, puzzles form a part of the personal interviews in the campus placement process and having solved a handful of puzzles, beforehand, does wonders. Seek a warm-up? Try getting a 1€™ using three 0′™s

Diagnostic Campus Placement Aptitude Test

Next in the module is a Reality Check of where a student stands in general aptitude tests for campus placement. This reality check, right at the beginning, helps us in personalizing the campus placement aptitude test preparation for the student. Besides, the student also gets an idea of one’s strengths and weaknesses to focus one’s energies on the weak areas while maintaining one’™s level on the stronger areas

Vedic Math

Ability to calculate fast and sharp is an important skill for one’€™s success in the campus placement aptitude tests. Vedic Math, an ancient Indian approach to Mathematics, comes to rescue. Mr Mayank V Srivastava, our Founder and an individual with gifted numerical skills personally takes this session on Vedic Math; the calculation short-cuts and approximation techniques taught in this section of our aptitude test preparation for campus placements go a long way in defining one’€™s success in the campus placements

Vocabulary Based Questions

Verbal skills are tested in almost all the campus placement aptitude tests; vocabulary driven questions form a significant part of the same. In this section of our aptitude preparation for campus placement, we not only give an overview of all the major vocabulary driven questions but also teach an approach towards tackling the same on your campus placement interviews. While building vocabulary is a long, gradual process, we give the students several interesting techniques such questions on the aptitude test. Further, towards the end of this section, we suggest the students, a strong strategy together with the resources for developing a robust, powerful vocabulary that shall not only help them in campus placements but also in their day to day life and the long term corporate career as well as for various entrance tests for their higher studies

Reading Comprehensions

RCs generally form an important part of the campus placement aptitude tests. In this section of the preparation, we guide the students with an organized strategy for tackling the Reading Comprehensions on the aptitude tests. Our effective strategy, tested and proven by thousands of students worldwide, helps a student in solving Reading Comprehensions in an efficient manner. As a part of this section of the aptitude test preparation, we make a student apply this strategy live on a few RCs and leave a big pool of RCs to be solved at home by the student

Grammar Based Questions

Grammar is one area where most students lag. Again, building English Grammar is a long, gradual process. In this section of the aptitude test preparation for campus placements, we guide the students with the most frequently tested grammar rules on the aptitude tests and make them apply these rules on a significant number of live aptitude test practice questions. Moreover, we provide the student, a rich resource for developing grammar in an organic way for the long term benefitst

Number Systems

Almost half the questions in the quantitative section of the campus placement aptitude tests directly or indirectly test a candidate’s ability to tackle numbers. In this robust class, we cover the most frequently asked types of Number Systems questions in the campus placement aptitude tests. Long and robust, this section is one the most important parts of the campus placement preparation under our Finishing School concept

Logical Reasoning

Campus placement aptitude tests involve a range of logical reasoning questions. Under this section of our module, we prepare the students on a spectrum of such questions and help them develop the strategies for approaching each such type on the aptitude tests. The range of questions varies from jumbled alphabets to arrangements and family trees to visual reasoning. This short class introduces the student to each such type and equips him/her to tackle the same in a systematic, efficient way

Personal Interview Preparation

Unfortunately, very often, the need for preparation for personal interviews in the campus placement process is underestimated by the candidates. Personal Interviews are probably the most important part of the campus selection process and a serious candidate must prepare thoroughly for the same. Under this section of our preparation for campus placements, we train each student personally on tackling the interview section of the placement process. Apart from helping the student on FAQs, we guide him/her on personalizing a pitch for the potential recruiters and having a clear idea of the parts of the profile that one must highlight and the parts one must be ready to be grilled upon during in the personal interview

Group Discussion

Group discussions are often a part of the campus selection process for major corporate. This is an area where a big chunk of students struggle in the campus selection process. Under this section of our module, we instil in our students, the right attitude and strategy for performing at the group discussions in the campus placement. Apart from the tips, techniques, strategies from our seasoned mentors, the students get a mock group discussion with detailed feedback on their performance

What to Keep Studying

On a sincere note, aptitude preparation, honing interviewing skills, and mastering group discussion techniques is a gradual, prolonged process. The campus placement preparation part of our Finishing School module gives a bird-eye’s view of this vast periphery and confers the right approach and concepts into a candidate for approaching the campus placement process. However, to attain the in depth expertise into each of these areas, one must follow our training by consistent education and practice on the various topics. Hence, under this section of our module, we guide the student about what one must keep studying to intensify one’s expertise on each of these areas

Post Employment Support

A student touched once by our team remains a student forever and is free to ask questions and take our expertise at any point of one’s career. We are only an e-mail or a phone call away from any guidance that a student may seek at a later point in one’s career. Hence, a student can reach out to us for seeking support in strategizing job shifts, planning higher studies, or making any major career moves. We shall guide the student upon what is right for the candidate at any point in one’s career

Resume Making

Under this section of our Finishing School initiative, we help a candidate with a robust approach towards resume making for a job interview. In this short session over resume making, we guide the student on a robust format, must-dos and don’ts in an impactful resume and suggest on ways for presenting one’s candidature ethically yet effectively

Email Etiquette and Written Corporate Communication

Being liked, being selected, and being promoted are somewhere interlinked. Being liked is a function of how one communicates; in the corporate setup, one often has to communicate through written means and sophisticated writing skills play an important role in making an impact. On the other hand, crude, unseemly writing standards can be a turn off and play a deterrent in one’s growth in shorter or longer run. Unfortunately, our education system lays little emphasis on formal written interpersonal communication and a big chunk of candidates take up jobs with sub-standard written corporate communication skills. This short, interesting section- Email Etiquette and Written Corporate Communication- on our module helps a candidate with the must-knows and must-avoids for effective written communication in the corporate world.


In India: INR 30,000
Outside India : USD $590

* Inclusive of taxes and shipping charges.

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