Special report

The sound of success

Austria has had some lucky breaks and has used them with brio, says Barbara Beck (interviewed here). But what should it do for an encore?


HEISS umfehdet, wild umstritten
Liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten,
Einem starken Herzen gleich

(Hotly fought over, fiercely contested,
You lie at the centre of the continent,
Like a strong heart).

The words of the second verse of Austria's post-war national anthem, set to music that may or may not be by Mozart, at first seemed to miss the point. They were written in 1947 by an Austrian poet, Paula von Preradovic, because the old anthem had been pinched by the Germans. They would have been right for the pre-1918 Habsburg empire, but the world had just been divided by the iron curtain, leaving little Austria squeezed up against the Western side of the border with the communist East. It was at the centre of nowhere.

This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “The sound of success”

Mr Palestine

From the November 24th 2007 edition

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