Why I said no to Madrid: It would have been a betrayal to leave Arsenal, says Arsene Wenger

Arsene Wenger says he would have betrayed his beliefs had he quit Arsenal this summer for Real Madrid.

In his most detailed interview since arriving at Arsenal 13 years ago, Wenger admitted he knew exactly the scale of the project he was turning down when he rejected the opportunity to work with Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaka at Madrid this season.

He says he stayed because he believes he can win the title with Arsenal.

Arsenal's French manager Arsene Wenge

Looking up: Wenger shunned Real's advances to win the title with Arsenal

‘I felt if I left I would have in some way betrayed my beliefs,’ Wenger told Sportsmail as he launched Arsenal’s Great Ormond Street charity appeal. 

‘It was that simple. It was nothing to do with Real Madrid, it was about Arsenal.

‘I knew what Madrid were about to do, but I have a project here that I started four years ago and I wanted to reach the end of it. I could not leave this team at this stage of their development. The team we have now gets there, and by that I mean it wins the championship. At 22 or 23 I think a team is mature enough to deliver and it is a massively important year for our club. I am conscious of that. I know people have no patience any more, but I agreed on a structure at the club that I believed could work, and we are at the period now when we will see whether I was right.

‘To talk of winning the league is an audacious statement but I built this team and I want to deliver with this team.

‘So far, we have flirted with success. We were never in the race for the championship last year, but before that, and certainly in 2006, when we were in the Champions League final, it happened.

‘The team looks to be growing and gelling and being close, but at the moment they do not get credit for what they produce and, like every team who have not won a trophy,
they still doubt whether they can win.

‘Other clubs have more money but that is not difficult for me. At Arsenal, we try to go a different way that, for me, is respectable. When you look to buy all the time it becomes a trap.

Arsenal soccer fans crowd the streets of Islington

Glory days: Wenger's Arsenal became the first team since Preston North End's 'Old Invincibles' to remain unbeatable in the top flight

‘When Cesc Fabregas was a teenager, I would play him with Patrick Vieira and it did not work. Gilberto Silva and Vieira worked, Fabregas and Silva worked, but I could not play Fabregas and Vieira. But Fabregas was 19 and if he did not play I knew he would want to go, so we risked destroying everything, all the work we had put into this player. That is why I sold Vieira.

‘Now we have that situation with Jack Wilshere. He is 17 and we cannot ask him to play every game to win the championship. But next year he will be ready, he will want to play all the time and if we have bought a player in his position he will want to go.

Cesc Fabregas, Jack Wilshere

Prize assets: Wenger has nurtured Fabregas' many talents and the 59-year-old looks to do the same with Wilshere

‘I believe in work, in connections between the players. You can win in different ways, by being more of a team, or by having better individual players, but I think what is more important is to look at what you have at your own club.

‘If I had gone to Real Madrid I would have spent, yes. If you have the money and you find the one player who can make you win and make the difference, no matter how expensive he is, you should do it. But there are not many players in the world who will make a real difference.’

Wenger also defended selling two of his first-team players, Emmanuel Adebayor and Kolo Toure, to Manchester City, tipped as strong challengers to Arsenal this season.

‘My only question was whether we could afford to sell Adebayor,’ Wenger added. ‘You come to the conclusion, can you stop Manchester City creating a big team? I don’t believe so. If we do not sell Adebayor they will buy Samuel Eto’o or somebody because they have the resources.

‘After that, where he went was less important. To be scared of that would be more of a problem.’

Kolo Toure of Manchester City
Emmanuel Adebayor of Manchester City

The departed: Arsenal lost Toure and Adebayor for a combined sum of £40million