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How to Pack a Moving Truck for a Long Distance Interstate Move

How to Pack a Moving Truck for a Long Distance Interstate Move

Packing a moving truck and driving yourself could result in a credit for hundreds of dollars on a military relocation. This is especially true with an interstate move, as it normally requires a larger truck that can accommodate all of your belongings in the same place. However, this doesn’t come without risk. To prevent your furniture and other items from breaking, the truck must be packed strategically. Here are the top tips:

1. Wrap and Pack

Any properly packed moving truck should begin with properly packed boxes. To ensure they are easy to stack and arrange, make sure almost all boxes are the same size. Bed frames, tables, chairs, mirrors, and all other furniture should be covered in plastic wrap or furniture pads, including around the arms and legs and any areas that could easily get scratched.

2. Prepare the Truck

Before anything is placed in the truck, cover the bottom with a tarp to protect the floor. It’s best to have the help of two or three other people when doing this to ensure a tight fit. Alternatively, just sweep out the floor to remove dust, debris or dirt from a previous move.

3. Load Heavy Items

According to movers Phoenix, the heaviest items you have, such as appliances and furniture, should be loaded onto the truck first. A dolly can help you push some items out of the house and onto the truck ramp, although many will require another person to help you lift. Begin at the back of the truck and try to keep an even balance of weight from left to right.

With most heavy and bulky items, you don’t want to stack otherwise you run the risk of damage. Instead, keep the heavy items on the bottom and stack lighter boxes or pieces of furniture on top. When the stack is about to touch the truck’s ceiling, cover it with a packing strap and tighten as securely as possible to keep it all in place.

4. Load Long Items

Next, you’ll want to focus on loading any long pieces of furniture you have. This can include mattresses as well as wall mirrors or even sofas and tables. These should be situated along the side walls of the truck, so they can remain on their side to prevent damage and save space. Furniture that has drawers that can’t be taken off should be taped shut and moved with the drawers facing the wall of the truck.

5. Load the Boxes

The heaviest boxes should always be moved first using a dolly to help prevent physical injury. Lighter boxes should be stacked on top, with a rope or strap secured to keep everything together.

6. Load Fragile Pieces

Fragile belongings or those that don’t adhere to a traditional shape should be loaded next. Strategically place these in areas where they will have maximum protection, such as under furniture legs or inside of empty drawers.

7. Load Non-Breakables

Bags of clothes, large teddy bears, bags of linens, and anything soft should be loaded last and placed into any open areas.

Packing a Moving Truck the Right Way

Before you move your first box outside, plan your packing strategy based on the size of your truck. It’s also important to continuously arrange items as you load to maximize the space available. With this attention to detail, the load should go smoothly, so your belongings are safe during the interstate move.

Six Useful Apps for Creating a Home Inventory When Moving

Six Useful Apps for Creating a Home Inventory When Moving

One of the hardest things about a PCS move is keeping track of all of your belongings and staying organized. Cheap Movers Las Vegas suggests dealing with both of these issues at the same time by using a mobile app to take an inventory of everything in your home. Read below for six of the most useful home inventory apps to install on your phone today to make your move less stressful.

1. Home Inventory

Home Inventory is an app for Macs and iOS devices that goes above and beyond a simple list of your items. The app also gives you the option to add important details about these belongings, including:

  • A description of the item
  • Model number
  • Serial number
  • Purchase date
  • Amount paid for item
2. Sortly

Another highly rated app available for iOS devices is the Sortly app. Because of its simplicity and visual appeal, this app is popular for people who move frequently, or for those who do not need all of the bells and whistles of the previous app. You can use this app to upload details and photos of your items, and then organize these into folders and sub-folders with tags. A unique feature of Sortly is the Track Lending tool that allows you to keep track of who you lent an item to, and when you expect that item to be returned.

3. Encircle

Encircle is a home inventory app for both Android and Apple devices. Although this app has extra features for insurance employees and property managers, it has the basics for homeowners looking to keep track of their items when they move. These features include:

  • Uploading pictures of items
  • Adding details and documentation for each item
  • Automatically backing up information to the online app
  • Analyzing the value of your items to compare it to your current level of insurance
4. Belongings Home Inventory

The Belongings Home Inventory app is an iOS app that allows you to synchronize your data automatically with the online inventory, so your information is never lost. You can also export your inventory list as a PDF, CSV or another type of file. You can also use a barcode scanner app to upload your items quickly.

5. Home Inventory Organizer

Home Inventory Organizer is an Android app that allows you upload photos of items and receipts. This app is especially helpful while moving due to the customizable room list that gives you the option to change a room name, add a new room, or move the room where an item is located.

6. Know Your Stuff

Run by a non-profit company, Know Your Stuff is a free app for Apple and Android devices that offers a basic method for recording all of your belongings. You can use a combination of photos, text details, and receipts to inventory all of your belongings, and then organize each item by room

Professional Moving Tips to Make Your DITY Move Go More Smoothly

Professional Moving Tips to Make Your DITY Move Go More Smoothly

Military families know the drill. At any point in time, you may be asked to pack it all up and move on to your next posting. If you are planning on a DITY move, you know the move needs to flow as smoothly as possible. Making the transition from one place to the next can be difficult. But, as these movers Houston TX know, there are ways to avoid most problems.

Advanced Preparation

Part of making that move easier is as much advanced preparation as you can muster. You need enough time to craft a timetable for your move. If you have to get up earlier than normal or stay up later to find the time, then do it. Your efforts will pay off with an easier move.

Figuring Out Expenses

The military allots all military family funding to make that move. These funds are designed to cover specific expenses including trailer rentals, packing blankets, hand truck rentals, and the costs of gas and tolls. You may want to set aside additional funds for other expenses. This may include money for an assistant as well as some treats for your kids along the way.


Carrying Properly

Moving items by yourself means making sure that you know how to lift everything without injury. Professional movers know that if you’re not careful, you can easily get hurt. You need to be careful when transporting large pieces and heavy boxes, so you don’t wind up with a back problem. Practice your lifting technique before your moving day so you are confident you know what you’re doing.

Pack Properly

Packing properly is also important. You don’t want to have your delicate items damaged in transit. All belongings should be cushioned to avoid breaking. Larger items need to be cushioned so they don’t move while being transported. Smaller items need to be carefully packed as well as so they don’t get lost in the moving van. You’ll also want to avoid overloading any given box. An overloaded box is harder to carry and may break when moved.

Create a Master List

Creating a master home inventory list will help you make sure no items get lost. It will also help you decide where to place each item in your new location. Write down the name of the item along with a brief description. All items should go into this list including all your clothing as well as other things like silverware and rugs. Check out these great home inventory apps to keep things at your fingertips.


Move Valuables By Yourself

If possible, move your expensive items like jewelry by yourself rather than letting your spouse or children handle it. A jewelry box can easily fit in a car next to you so you can keep your eyes on it.

Identify the Contents of Each Box

You should put a moving label on each box that you pack. If possible, keep all specific items such as clothing in the same box. If you can, write the contents of the box on the side. If not, give each box a number. Then you can refer to the box by the number as you move.

5 Tips for Facing Your Spouse’s First Military Deployment

5 Tips for Facing Your Spouse’s First Military Deployment

A spouse’s military deployment can cause heartbreak and chaos for those who’ve never experienced separation before. For some, deployment can mean more responsibility and feelings of loneliness, especially if your spouse is to be gone for an extended period of time. If you’re preparing for an upcoming deployment for the first time, here are aContinue Reading 5 Tips for Facing Your Spouse’s First Military Deployment

10 Genius Mover Tips for Military PCS Relocations

10 Genius Mover Tips for Military PCS Relocations

At some point in time, all military families will get their orders for a PCS relocation. Some military families are experts because they have been through a PCS relocation plenty of times. For families who have never gone through it before, the experience can be very stressful. Here are several tips from veteran military families to make your family’s transition as easy as possible.

1. Create a Moving Binder

It is a good idea to create a binder with all your important documents before you move. This binder can include the military orders, family’s birth certificates, military ID’s, social security cards, mortgage or rental documents, the children’s school transcripts, passports, and any other important papers that you are going to need. Having all these important documents in one place can make the move easier. On the day of the move, keep the binder with you rather than putting it on the moving truck. This way, your critical documents are less likely to get lost in the shuffle of your move.

2. Take a Moving Inventory

If you hire an interstate moving company to move your things to your new home, you should take an inventory of the number of boxes and all your furniture. When your items are delivered to your new home, you’ll be able to more easily any boxes or pieces that might be missing.

3. Follow Cleaning Guidelines

If you are living in military housing, it is important to follow the guidelines set by the military housing authority for cleaning your home, so you are prepared in case of an inspection. If you are living in private housing, you should still follow specific guidelines, such as cleaning the home, making any necessary repairs, and informing your landlord of your move. If you paid a security deposit when you moved in, you want to be sure that you get it back in full.

4. Contact Your Bank and Credit Card Company

Before your move, contact your bank and your credit card company with your forwarding address. This is one of the details that you can take care of early, as soon as you find out where you will be moving.

5. Get Permission to Move a Vehicle

If your PCS relocation orders send you OCONUS and you are financing your vehicle, be sure to speak to the financial institution before you have your vehicle shipped. It is illegal to leave the country with the vehicle if you don’t first get permission from the lender.

6. Get a Hard Copy of Your Medical Records

The medical clinic will often tell you that your family’s medical records will be sent to the medical clinic at your next duty station. While they probably will get there, you can’t be sure, and you don’t know how long it will take. Just to be on the safe side, you should request hard copies of your family’s medical records and keep them in your moving binder.

7. Take Advantage of Military Discounts

Depending on rank and number of dependents, the military gives families a set amount of money to cover the cost of the move. Whatever money that is left over from your moving allowance goes in your pocket, so if you move yourself for less than the allowance, you could make money. If you are going to move without government assistance, look at a truck rental company that offers discounts for active military members or shop rates from low cost moving providers like www.cheapmoversdc.com. You can also get discounts on packing supplies.

8. Do Your Research

When you get your orders and you know exactly where you’re headed, do some research on your new location. If you choose to live in military housing, know what options are available on and off the base. The move is easier if you know as much as possible about your new home.

9. Pack Overnight Bags for Each Family Member

While you are packing up your home, you should pack an overnight bag and “first day” box for each member of the family. The bags should contain items like changes of clothing, toothbrushes, hair brushes, snacks, water bottles, and a book or video game to keep the kids busy. If you are going to be driving long distance or flying, these items will come in handy.

10. Be Prepared for Changes

Just because you received your orders, does not mean that they are set in stone. If you have been in the military for a while you understand that orders can change without any warning. While you should prepare for your move, don’t be surprised if things suddenly change.

The first military PCS relocation can be difficult. Even the second and the third are not easy. Over time, you will get in the routine of constantly moving. Until then, follow the above to make the move as easy and stress-free as possible.


5 Tips for Completing a DITY/PPM Move

5 Tips for Completing a DITY/PPM Move

Completing a Do-It-Yourself (DITY) or Personally Procured Move (PPM) can be incredibly stressful, especially if you have to do the work on your own, without your deployed spouse around to help. By thinking ahead and making a plan, you can eliminate some of the pressure and anxiety of getting everything done. And to help you sort through your next move, here are a few tips that can make the process easier on you and your family.

1. Fill Out All Paperwork

It’s important that you get all paperwork completed correctly and on time. This includes filling out Standard Form 1038 and Original DD Form 1351-2 to receive advanced funds and get your travel expenses approved. Make sure that you remember to register all vehicles, including trailers, boats, and other large items that you’ll be pulling behind you. These forms should be filled out as soon as possible, ensuring that no information is left out at the last minute. Additionally, you should complete DD Form 1299, DD Form 1797, and DD Form 2278. For those who aren’t sure which documents you’ll need or need guidance filling them out, visit Great Guys Moving personally procured move guide for additional information.

2. Give Yourself Time

The biggest benefit of a DITY moving process is the ability to space out your time and move on your terms. If you need an extra day or two to load a moving truck or to do some sightseeing along the way, you have the ability to arrange your travel plans accordingly. This way, you can give yourself a cushion in case anything goes wrong or something unexpected comes up. To get the most out of your time, make sure that you plan ahead and give yourself plenty of space for the packing, loading, and traveling process.

3. Create a Binder

If you haven’t already, organize a moving binder with all of your emergency information, such as social security cards, copies of insurance cards, and anything else you might need. It’s also a good idea to include moving checklists, registration forms, an inventory of household items, and a schedule of the moving day. Make sure to regularly check your binder to review that you have all documents needed from enrolling your children at their new school to utility information for your new home.

4. Pack Strategically

When packing for a move, it’s essential to know where everything in your house is being placed. Make sure that you correctly label each box of household items, such as kitchen utensils, bedding, and toiletries, so that you can quickly locate and open containers that are needed right away. It’s also good to plan out which boxes will be placed at the back of a moving van rather than placed at the front and to carefully package all fragile and breakable items.

5. Get Rid of Clutter

As military families tend to move from place to place, most quickly learn how to get rid of items that take up much-needed space and aren’t used often. As you’re packing, go through each room and find old furnishings, clothing, or miscellaneous appliances that create unnecessary clutter around your home. You can either donate your items to charity or sell them at a yard sale. And at the end of the process, you’ll feel much better knowing that you have less to pack and more space to use!