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   R. P. ;
   Eleanor May Short (1776-1836) in 1798
   nine children (among them Rosalba, Eleanor, Sarah Miriam, Michael Angelo, and Emma Clara)
   1778 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
   painter and naturalist Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827)
   Rachel Brewer (1785 c. -1800 after) (mother) ; artist James Peale (uncle) ; ->Titian Ramsay (half-brother) ; Raphaelle (brother) & Rubens (brother)
   art and natural history from father
   United States of America
   John D. Godman (1794-1830): Anatomical investigations (1824) ; Account of the skeleton of the mammouth (London 1802) ;
   ->J. Drayton (1780 c. -18655 c. ) ; ->C. A. Lesueur (1780 c. -18655 c. ) ;
   anatomical, mammal, fossil, and paleontological drawing and oil painting ; portraits
   https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Working_sketch_of_the_mastodon_rembrandt_peale.jpg ;
   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rembrandt_Peale ;
   Choulant: History Biblio Anatomic Illustration 1962: 404 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 3102 ;
   Belonged to the well-known painter and artist family Peale. Further VIAF identifier: 25029533.

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