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Month: August 2010

While you are going to be facing the Blair barrage…..

While you are going to be facing the Blair barrage…..

Amazon.co.uk Widgets …I’m off to France for a few days First thing in the morning we are taking the Eurostar to Paris and then the TGV to Bordeaux for a short break. As I think I mentioned I had a small operation in July and this took a lot out of me. I won’t won’t be posting very much but there are a number of guest slots lined up as well as the PB AV debate with arguments for and…

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How long will the TB-GB psycho-drama plague Labour?

How long will the TB-GB psycho-drama plague Labour?

Daily Mail Is everything still being defined by the ex-leaders ? The big news for Labour as we move into September should be the start of voting in the first contested election for a leader since 1994. Instead the media remain obsessed with the Blair-Brown years and “what really went on”. Just look at this week. A couple of days ago the Mail on Sunday had the second part of the serialisation of the Chris Mullin diaries. Yesterday a short…

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Could Britain and France really share their carrier fleets?

Could Britain and France really share their carrier fleets?

The Sun Is this taking defence cuts too far? The main news on the front page of the Times which is covered at length in its sister paper the Sun, is about a plan for Britain and France to “share” their aircraft carriers as part of massive economy measure. The idea is that Britain would scrap or downgrade one of the two replacement carriers which are already under construction at a cost of more than £5bn and that that one…

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So should Dave call Boris’s 800m pound bluff?

So should Dave call Boris’s 800m pound bluff?

Guardian Who’ll win the old-Etonian stand-off over Cross-Rail? The big development over Boris that Morus only touched on briefly in the last post was the huge row that’s apparently developing between Johnson (Eton and Balliol College Oxford) and Cameron (Eton and Brasenose College Oxford) over plans by Osborne (St. Paul’s and Magdalen College Oxford) to force a 5% cut to the £16bn London CrossRail project. According to the Guardian, though denied by the Mayor’s office, Johnson has let it be…

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Why would Boris run for re-election?

Why would Boris run for re-election?

And who else could be the Tory candidate? NB This necessarily-long article was written before this story broke this evening. How better to avoid running again than to resign over a fight with Cameron about cuts? When I last wrote about the 2010 London Mayoral election in May 2009 (smugly noting my bet on Oona King at 100/1 with Ladbrokes), I suggested that the main value in the market was likely to be found in the Conservative options. Other than…

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How do general election LD voters view things now?

How do general election LD voters view things now?

The ICM approval ratings break-down Coalition – overall? Good job Bad Job Don’t know All sampled 46 36 18 Current CON voters 83 5 11 Current LAB voters 21 62 16 Current LD voters 59 25 16 May 6 LD voters 48 37 15 David Cameron Good job Bad Job Don’t know All sampled 57 31 12 Current CON voters 91 5 3 Current LAB voters 33 55 12 Current LD voters 68 26 7 May 6 LD voters 58…

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Will the MiliD-MiliE outcome be a verdict on NuLab?

Will the MiliD-MiliE outcome be a verdict on NuLab?

…are these headlines helpful to the younger brother? With voting in Labour’s election due to start on Wednesday two papers at the “quality” end of the market have front pages that are dominated by the relations between the US and the UK during the Iraq War and its aftermath. The Telegraph says that it has been told that Tony Blair sought to hang on to office for longer than he did after hearing concerns from President Bush about the suitability…

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How should Labour’s electors regard this?

How should Labour’s electors regard this?

Guardian Is this a Number 10 bluff – or a double bluff? Just four days to go before voting starts in Labour’s election the Guardian is reporting that the contender that David Cameron fears most is David Miliband. Now how should we treat this? Is it on the level; is it a bluff or is it a double bluff? Could Number 10 be trying to impede DM’s chances by letting it be know that they fear him most? We all…

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