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Month: July 2010

YouGov have the Lib Dems at 12%

YouGov have the Lib Dems at 12%

Pollster/publication Date CON LAB LD YouGov/Sun Times 30/07/10 42 38 12 YouGov/Sun 26/07/10 42 35 15 MORI/Reuters 25/07/10 40 38 14 ICM/Guardian 25/07/10 38 34 19 YouGov/Sun 21/07/10 44 35 13 ComRes/Independent 27/06/10 40 31 18 YouGov/Sunday Times 25/06/10 43 36 16 ICM/Sunday Telegraph 24/06/10 41 35 16 YouGov/Sun 24/06/10 43 34 17 Is this a reaction to the Robinson programme? The latest daily poll from the YouGov panel has the Lib Dems down to one of their lowest shares…

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Why are the Guardian and the Telegraph the biggest losers?

Why are the Guardian and the Telegraph the biggest losers?

Newspaper June figures Year on change (%) Daily Telegraph 681,322 -18.45 The Guardian 286,220 -14.82 The Times 503,642 -14.77 Daily Express 664,293 -8.94 Daily Star 809,992 -6.95 The Independent 187,135 -6.62 Daily Mirror 1,248,919 -6.12 Daily Mail 2,092,643 -4.93 Financial Times  391,865 -4.88 The Sun 2,979,999 -1.6 Is the coalition impacting on newspaper readership? Above are the June newspaper circulations figures and again we see the continued erosion in sales at the so called “quality end” of the market. This…

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Is a foreign policy revolution taking place?

Is a foreign policy revolution taking place?

Do Dave’s trips indicate a big change of emphasis? July’s been a busy month for David Cameron on the foreign affairs front with visits to the United States, Turkey and most recently, India. In all three, he’s been effusive towards his hosts and strongly positive about relations between Britain and the countries he’s been in. That’s all par for the course in diplomacy. What’s much less so is the strength of his criticism directed elsewhere: implicitly towards France and Germany…

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Polling Labour’s leadership election

Polling Labour’s leadership election

Candidate Unions actual Unions YouGov Members actual Members YouGov Cruddas 27.27% 15% 13.89% 12% Harman 13,05% 16% 19.62% 17% Johnson 13.65% 26% 24.24% 24% Benn 14.79% 22% 12.81% 24% Hain 19.92% 15% 14.43% 13% Blears 11.31% 7% 14.97% 9% YouGov in the 2007 Deputy race The above shows the YouGov projections and the actual first round shares in the final YouGov poll before the 2007 Labour deputy race. As can be seen the big variance was in the union section…

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Punters pile on Mili-D after YouGov?

Punters pile on Mili-D after YouGov?

But could the race still produce a surprise? It was inevitable that the first opinion surveys restricted to those who can actually vote in Labour’s election was going to spark off a fair amount of activity on the betting markets. The big move has been to the elder Miliband where the best bookie price is now 1/2. His brother Ed has moved out to 7/4 while Balls/Burnham/Abbott are now seen an rank outsiders with almost no chance whatsoever. On Betfair…

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Will the coalition go half way or not?

Will the coalition go half way or not?

Is last night going to aid or hinder its survival? It’s the big question in British politics – how long will the coalition last? No doubt we’ll all have our own views which might have evolved following the revelations that came out in last night’s programme on what happened in those five days after the election. I am talking with one of the big spread betting firms about them establishing a “number of coalition weeks” market and have been asking…

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DavidM heading for victory – YouGov

DavidM heading for victory – YouGov

YouGov – First round poll Candidate Members Unions MPs/MEPs Electoral College David Miliband 38 34 39 37 Ed Miliband 32 26 30 29 Diane Abbott 13 17 5 12 Andy Burnham 10 13 12 12 Ed Balls 7 11 14 11 So punters seem to have been getting this right The first YouGov poll members of those able to vote in the Labour leadership election, is just out and suggests that David Miliband is heading for victory. The older brother…

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Was this the creation of Gordon Brown?

Was this the creation of Gordon Brown?

Was it his inaction that made the coalition possible? Lots of things are popping up ahead of tonight’s big programme on the BBC telling the story of how the coalition came about. The presenter, Nick Robinson, has a long piece in the Telegraph giving us a flavour of what to expect. “..The Tory leadership was well prepared for a hung parliament. They had analysed the overlaps and the gaps between the Conservative and Lib Dem manifestos so that a day…

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