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Month: August 2007

Whatever Happened To The Far Left?

Whatever Happened To The Far Left?

Sean Fear’s Friday slot A couple of weeks ago, I examined the impact of parties to the Right of the Conservatives. This week, I do the same with parties to the Left of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. Back in the 1980s, quite large numbers of people supported Labour’s policies of nationalisation, unilateral nuclear disarmament, restoration of the right to secondary picketing and the closed shop, and ending the sale of council houses. In fact, I can remember intelligent people…

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Will Populus disclose the Tory poll?

Will Populus disclose the Tory poll?

Anthony Wells of UKPolling Report emails me to tell me that he has asked Populus to disclose the poll referred to by Benedict Brogan in his blog. He wrote” “Tories say privately their internal Populus poll paints a completely different picture – the parties are level pegging and Mr Cameron’s approval rating is climbing”. Anthony’s view is that there is a requirement to disclose under the British Polling Council’s transparency rules. Normally leaks of “private polls” don’t name the pollster….

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Labour’s YouGov lead down a touch to 8%

Labour’s YouGov lead down a touch to 8%

Is the Lib Dem share of 14% down to the firm’s methodology? In the first of four major polling surveys that we will see in the next few days the internet pollster, YouGov, for the Daily Telegraph has the following shares with the changes on its last poll almost three weeks ago CON 33% (+1): LAB 41% (-1): LD 14% (nc). So the Tories will be a touch relieved that like ICM on Monday YouGov is showing a reduction in…

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Congratulations Sean, Nick, Mark and Andrea

Congratulations Sean, Nick, Mark and Andrea

And now the final round of voting – for the Overall PBC Poster of the Year As it turned out the voting in three of the four categories was pretty clear-cut. Sean Fear, who starting posting on PBC in the summer of 2004, has built up a loyal following from people of all allegiances and his overwhelming victory in the Tory section was probably quite predictable. Well done also to David Herdson who came second and joins Sean in the…

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Is this why Dave is going to find it hard to win?

Is this why Dave is going to find it hard to win?

Does the Lib Dem switch to Labour look permanent? One of the features that I focus on when the detailed data from ICM and CR polls comes out is how votes are churning between the parties. Both firms ask how respondents voted last time and both present their data in a way that gives some clues. The latest data from this week’s survey for the Guardian has some encouraging short-term news for the Tories but does raise the question about…

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When are Gord and Dave going to face Paxo?

When are Gord and Dave going to face Paxo?

And what do we think of Cameron’s “make-over”? Judging by the comments thread here last night most people thought that the Tory leader performed reasonably well in the first big set piece of the new political year – a long interview on Newsnight. He seems to have adjusted his style to reflect the new more sombre mood created by Gordon Brown and is looking a lot more formal. He also seems to have changed his vocal approach. The voice sounded…

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Poster of the Year – the voting part 1.

Poster of the Year – the voting part 1.

Your chance to vote for those who have enriched the site the most This is the first round of voting for the PBC Posters of the Year. Please place your votes before 1830 BST tomorrow to make it count. Everybody, where they post on the site or not, is entitled to vote in each of the categories. Tomorrow there will be the final part – the Overall PBC Poster of the Year. The top two in each of the four…

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The PBC Posters of the Year – the nominations

The PBC Posters of the Year – the nominations

These are the nominations for the 2006/2007 PBC Posters of the Year election. First round voting will begin this evening and will last for twenty four hours. The two that top the ballot in each section will go forward to the overall PBC Post of the Year Election which will be published on Thursday evening. Two people, SeanT and JackW don’t naturally feature in any of the first round sections and because of their prominence I have decided that they…

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