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Old Instantiations Forums

This is a static replica of the old Instantiations forums. Please consult the individual areas to find out where the discussions have migrated.

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Forum Topics Posts
VA Smalltalk  
VA Smalltalk 7.0, 7.5 & 8.0 821 3612
WindowBuilder Pro  
SWT Designer 970 3803
Swing Designer 447 1795
GWT Designer 900 4518
RCP Developer  
Window Tester 448 1931
RCP Packager & Help Composer 42 139
CodePro & EclipsePro  
CodePro AnalytiX & PlusPak. EclipsePro Audit & Test 77 228
CodePro Profiler 16 56
Web Site 24 80
Eclipse Plugin Development Book Discussion  
Book: Eclipse Plug-Ins (3rd Edition) 117 251