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Life for pregnant Briton in Laos trial

  • Story Highlights
  • Pregnant British woman sentenced to life by Lao court for drug smuggling
  • Samantha Orobator, 20, was jailed last August, charegd with carrying heroin
  • State-run Laotian report: Orobator says she impregnated self with prisoner's sperm
  • UK, Laos signed prisoner transfer agreement last month
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(CNN) -- A pregnant British woman accused of smuggling heroin into Laos was sentenced to life in prison, the British Foreign Office said Wednesday.

Briton Samantha Orobator has been sentenced to life in prison for heroin smuggling.

Briton Samantha Orobator has been sentenced to life in prison for heroin smuggling.

Samantha Orobator, 20, was jailed last August at the airport in the Lao capital, Vientiane, and charged with carrying about half a kilogram of heroin.

She is more than five months pregnant, and enters her third trimester on Saturday.

The circumstances under which Orobator became pregnant in prison remain unclear.

She told her mother she was not raped in prison and that the father is not a Lao prison official. Video Watch what's known about Samantha Orobator »

A newspaper run by the Lao government reported Orobator as saying she impregnated herself with the sperm of another prisoner being held in the same jail. Video Watch Jane Orobator describe learning about her daughter's arrest »

A spokeswoman for legal aid charity Reprieve spokeswoman said the charity did not know if the newspaper report was true. Video Watch the legal developments of Orobator's case »


"We haven't seen her to confirm this, but are keen that this issue -- which is irrelevant to the case -- does not delay or affect the trial," Katherine O'Shea told CNN via e-mail.

Orobator could be returned to the UK to serve her sentence. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Foreign Office Minister Bill Rammell met Laotian Deputy Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith last month to discuss the case and sign a prisoner transfer agreement between the two countries.

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