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Last Updated: Tuesday, 7 October, 2003, 14:09 GMT 15:09 UK
Roulette gun stunt 'a hoax'
Derren Brown
Derren Brown's show did not break Jersey gun rules
Jersey police have said the live Russian roulette TV stunt which was broadcast on Channel 4 on Sunday night was a hoax.

Illusionist Derren Brown asked another person to load a revolver with one bullet in the show recorded at Francheville Farm, Grouville, Jersey.

Brown then pointed the gun at his own head, and pulled the trigger a number of times, stopping when he guessed the gun would fire.

"There was no live ammunition involved and at no time was anyone at risk," said Lenny Harper, Detective Chief Officer for the States of Jersey police.

"A prop company brought a number of props to the island and they included a quantity of blank ammunition.

"There is absolutely no way that the States of Jersey police would allow anybody to put themselves at risk and shoot themselves dead."

We were absolutely satisfied that no-one was in any danger whatsoever
Superintendent John Pearson
Superintendent John Pearson said Jersey police were informed of the stunt before it took place.

However, having examined how the stunt would work, they were satisfied it would not break any of the island's gun laws.

Asked if he had been concerned that somebody was going to fire a loaded gun at their head, he said: "If what was portrayed on TV was going to happen, then we did have concerns.

"So a senior officer contacted Channel 4 and then we found out.

"We were absolutely satisfied that, firstly, there would no offences committed in Jersey in relation to any laws at all and secondly, that no-one was in any danger whatsoever."

No offences committed

Handguns are illegal in the UK. Mr Pearson pointed out that certain firearm legislation in Jersey was in fact tougher than the UK.

For instance, unlike the UK, it was illegal to hold an airgun in Jersey without a licence.

He said the Jersey police had contacted Channel 4 after being alerted by a national newspaper that the show was to be filmed on the island.

Channel 4 would only say in a statement: "In making and broadcasting this programme, Channel 4 was very mindful of its responsibility to ensure the safety of all involved and liaised with the Jersey police in advance of filming there to ensure that no offences were committed."

Superintendent John Pearson
"We are entirely satisfied that no offences were committed"

Gun stunt watched by 2.9m viewers
06 Oct 03  |  Entertainment
Riveting finale to Russian roulette stunt
06 Oct 03  |  Entertainment
Illusionist survives Russian roulette stunt
05 Oct 03  |  Entertainment

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