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15 Vegan Protein Sources + Easy Hummus Toast

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Hummus on Toast for one of our vegan protein ideas

When I first started experimenting with vegetarianism and later veganism, one of the most difficult parts was figuring out how to get enough protein in my diet, and more importantly, how to get protein from a broad and healthy range of sources.

Trust me, if it was healthy to survive on peanut butter alone, I totally would.

Protein seems to be a murky topic. People either think we’re either not getting enough and “MORE PROTEIN” becomes their gospel, or they think we should all calm down and eat less protein lest we turn into body-building savages.

According to most experts, we should aim to get 10% – 35% of our calories from protein. For women, that’s around 46 grams a day, and for men, 56 grams a day. To be honest, I fall short of that most days, but I’m working on it! I’m aiming to fill up on nutrient-rich sources instead of just chips + guac (so guilty).

This post is a round up of my 15 favorite vegan protein sources. No matter what kind of diet you follow – vegan or not –  this post is meant to educate and inspire! You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy animal-free protein sources.

Lastly, it’s not all about the protein – we need to keep our vitamins and minerals in check, too. So be sure to educate yourself and consult a professional before making any drastic changes to your diet!

Graphic of 16 vegan protein sources, including chickpeas, tofu, nutritional yeast, and more

Now, onto my favorite breakfast these days!

I have been loving my Best Damn Breakfast Potatoes, a green smoothie, and some sprouted toast with hummus, hemp seeds and sunflower seeds! Wow, that just made me sound like the biggest hippie. I don’t care – it’s so tasty and filling!

Now for the protein math.

1 piece sprouted toast  = 5 grams
3 Tbsp hummus = 3 grams
1 tsp hemp seeds = 1 gram
1 Tbsp sunflower seeds = 2 grams
1 green smoothie = 6 grams
1 serving breakfast potatoes = 2 grams
TOTAL = 19 grams

Not bad! What’s your go-to breakfast these days? I’d love to know. Cheers, friends!

Two slices of toast with hummus for a protein-rich vegan snack
Slices of vegan toast with hummus, hemp seeds, and sunflower seeds

Seedy Hummus Toast

Simple sprouted toast with hummus, sunflower seeds and hemp seeds. The perfect healthy breakfast or snack.
Author Minimalist Baker
Slices of toast topped with hummus, sunflower seeds, and hemp seeds
4.82 from 11 votes
Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 8 minutes
Servings 1
Course Breakfast, Snack
Cuisine Vegan
Freezer Friendly No
Does it keep? Best when fresh
  • 2 slices sprouted wheat bread
  • 1/4 cup hummus
  • 1 Tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 Tbsp roasted unsalted sunflower seeds
  • Toast your bread. Then top with hummus, hemp seeds, and sunflower seeds! Devour immediately.
*Nutrition information is a rough estimate.

Nutrition (1 of 1 servings)

Serving: 2 g Calories: 316 Carbohydrates: 24 g Protein: 19 g Fat: 16 g Saturated Fat: 1.8 g Polyunsaturated Fat: 0 g Monounsaturated Fat: 0 g Trans Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 490 mg Potassium: 0 mg Fiber: 11 g Sugar: 2 g Vitamin A: 0 IU Vitamin C: 0 mg Calcium: 0 mg Iron: 0 mg

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  1. Søren Ilsøe says

    What a good breakfast!

    But a little confusing about the nutrition as the suggestion includes a green smoothie (6 gram of protein), but the recipe for that smoothie is not combined with the toast recipe. :)

  2. Anonymous says

    I tried it for a quick fixing satisfying lunch and it was perfect delicious!! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Anonymous says

    Hi! I want to try this recipe! Which kind of bread do you suggest instead of sprouted bread? I can’t find it in the grocery where I live. Do you have a recipe for making sprouted bread at home? I’ll make it for sure! Thank you:)
    You’re doing an amazing work here, have you a great days!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi, any whole wheat bread would be good. Or an Artisan-style (crunchy) sourdough. Hope that helps!

  4. Aaron says

    Hi ummm hummus toast yumm. But you can’t just sneak in a smoothie andddd potato’s at the end like hey it’s 19 grams of protein! The link says toast haha! Liessssssss. Also 26 grams of protein in a cup of oatmeal dry or cooked is not accurate.

  5. Rhonda Bentley says

    With the exception of the tofu, all of these are gradients are higher in carbs than protein., making them an unideal snack or main ingredient for a high protein meal. In order for a “high protein meal” it has to be higher in protein than the carbs. This article was grossly misleading. ☹️

  6. nicole says

    wow seedy hummus toast just SOUNDS delicious, I cannot wait to try it!!! Thanks for this awesome recipe, I actually really didnt know seeds had protein in them!

  7. Anne Lawrance says

    Are you sure about the Oats? Is it 13 per half a cup of raw or cooked Oats? I am confused as every bag of Oats I’ve seen says only 7 grams of protein per half a cup of oats…?

  8. charlotte says

    I’d like to say thank you so much for consistently providing such reliable, clear and tasty recipes and nutritional guides such as this. It is hugely appreciated, especially as I am new to veganism, and this is my first port of call for tasty new ingredients! Thank you for all your hard work.

  9. KJ | omnomherbivore says

    I love hummus on toast!! Though I may love avocado toast more :p I had no idea nutritional yeast had that much protein! Good to know!! I’ve been having a Vega smoothie with banana and coffee most mornings but I’ll have peanut butter banana oatmeal most weekend mornings :)

  10. Taylor says

    Dana, thank you so so much for this. I am raising a 1 year old and it’s getting a bit tricky to ensure she is getting adequate protein/other solids now that she cant just survive on breastmilk! It has also made me realize how inadequate my own protein intake is since becoming vegetarian 11 months ago. This is gold & I’m printing it to hang in the kitchen.

    My only question is, are the amounts youve listed for the oats, quinoa and lentils referring to cooked or uncooked?

    Thanks for serving the plant based community with your master mind recipes. Blessings to you!

  11. Carol Ann says

    Thanks for the list!!! Most items are already part of my daily diet so I guess I’m all good ;) Should try to use tempeh more maybe!
    And hummus on toast with some seeds and hemp!!! What didn’t I see this earlier this morning ahhhhh! :o

  12. Sandi says

    Hello! I love your website and am debating whether to purchase your 31 month of meals. I’m currently on Weight Watchers and finding out that I was getting way too many carbs and not enough complete protein as a vegan. How much complete protein do your dinner meals contain? I recently learned about hemp seeds as being complete protein, but the fat content is what I will have to watch out for. I also bought some hemp oil to make into salad dressing and thought perhaps that might be a good way to bring my complete protein levels up. If you dinner meals contain ample protein, it may make it easier for me to plan to my breakfast/lunch meals depending on the dinner meal profiles. So, are your dinner meals contain “complete” proteins? I can’t wait to try the hummus on toast. That is a sure winner!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hmm, I’d say it is a mix between carbs, veggies and protein. However, you could always vary the recipes a little bit to accommodate your needs. The good thing is, you can always return it if as we have a money back guarantee if it’s not what you want.

  13. Hannah Elizabeth says

    Quick question: Are the figures for cooked or uncooked (when applicable :) )? Thank you for putting this together; I’ve already referred to it several times!

  14. Marianna says

    Thank you for this informative list, it’s great! I’ve just made some hummus but I hadn’t even thought about eating it with seeds, thanks for the tip :)
    Can I ask you what you use on sandwiches to substitute cheese?

  15. Kallie Schaefer says

    This is fantastic! I’m not vegan, but my husband is vegetarian and I am most days. I’ve been scouring the internet looking for high protein, vegetarian breakfast ideas that aren’t egg based. This will definitely make it into the rotation!

  16. robin says

    I decided to eat for nutrition and started last November, so I’ve been searching pinterest for vegetarian recipes and keep coming back to your blog! I have now signed up so I can go directly to your website. Thank you for making it easier to transition from bad habits to good! My morning smoothie consists of cinnamon, ginger, chia seeds, flax seeds, kale, blueberry Kifer, coconut almond milk, and banana. I also throw in some blueberries or pineapple too. I’m hoping that gives me what I need to start the day! Since I’ve been eating only nutritious food my skin is clearer ( I had a ruddy completion) and my arthritis pain is less. Your recipes are such a big help. I am stuck on beet Reubens for lunch. A recipe I found on pinterest. I roasted my own for the first time and it is totally yummy! Thanks again for the help.

  17. louise says

    Hi! I love your blog :) I used on of your photos for my blog posts about healthy food and of course linked to your page under the photo, hope that is alright :) I wanted to ask you how you get enough iron in your diet as vegetarian/vegan? I have been eating vegetarian food for a while now and it is so difficult to get enough iron! Hugs/ Louise

  18. Melanie says

    I’m not vegan, but I’m definitely passing this along to my sister and my niece and I may try it too…it looks so good!

  19. Hannah Siegmund @ ThisVeganWhimsy says

    Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been looking for a list like this since I started crossfit and noticed that I feel much better with a bit higher of a protein intake.

  20. Stephanie says

    YUM! I have a question. For that hummus, do you use roasted salted tahini or the raw one like from Artisana? Both flavors are very different and will make a big difference in the final hummus. Just wanted to know before I shell out >$10 for the jar at my co-op lol! Thanks in advance, Dana!

  21. Sarah says

    Love this list, thank you! All of these are staples in my diet… yum :) My go-to breakfast is definitely a huge green smoothie, sometimes with a side of oatmeal or oatmeal-banana pancakes or something of that sort. :)

  22. Heather Mason says

    This is a really nice graphic of the protein amounts. I think the protein for the oats is a bit off though. I’m assuming you’re talking about oatmeal, correct? According to Quaker a half cup of Old Fashioned uncooked oatmeal has 5 grams of protein. I’m just pointing this out because I eat oatmeal every morning and I only ever counted it as a couple of grams of protein. Also, as a dietitian I just don’t want people thinking they can get a large amount of protein from oats. http://www.quakeroats.com/Libraries/pdf/Oatmeal_Nutrition_Facts.sflb.ashx

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Thanks for the catch! I believe I was estimating based on cooked oatmeal for some reason, which was misleading. So I’ve updated for the dry oat amount. Thanks, Heather!

  23. Kristel pulley says

    Thank you so much! Just one question: where did you get the information from? I have read a few articules about plant proteins and they all say different values so Im a little confused :)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I got my information from a couple of trusted sources, and back checked them online with nutrition calculators. Of course, it’s likely never 100% accurate, so double check me when in doubt!

  24. DessertForTwo says

    I definitely need to amp up my protein, but I don’t exactly love meat. Thanks for the tips-I didn’t know my hemp had that much protein in just 1 tsp-wow!

    My favorite breakfast lately is sprouted grain bread + raw almond butter. Oh, and half a honey bear on top ;)

  25. Theresa says

    Love your protein list, the “where do you get your protein” gets a little redundant for us vegans. Most of your list are staples in our house. Love the hummus toast with hemp and sunflower seeds too, yum!

  26. Christina @ The Beautiful Balance says

    Loved this post! It’s also important to note that not all of the 19 grams of protein will be absorbed. Depending on the bioavailability of the specific protein sources your body absorbs about 10 grams of protein per hour according to multiple studies.

  27. Natalia says

    So what can an allergic to pulses do???… This is my misery… I can’t eat lentils, nor chickpeas nor beans, but I can eat peanuts galore… I’m not vegetarian but I try to increase my meatless days to more than three so I’m out of solutions, when my meals have less protein I get hungry very quickly…though I could eat quinoa guacamole every single day, I’d like a little bit of variety….

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      hmm, that’s tricky. Wish I could be more help! Perhaps a nutritionist could help you find a good balance?

  28. Andria says

    I’ve been vegan since 1/1. A whopping 20 days. For me protein is very important because I’m breastfeeding. While I love the challenge of a completely plant based diet it does take effort to maintain a healthy balance. My go to breakfast is a version of thd Oh She Glows 5-minute Power Oatmeal. Soaked almonds, chia and almond butter drizzle take my bowl of yummy oats to 15g, I pair it with a hemp protien coconut milk, 12 g there. In all almost 30 g for breakfast! My 12 week maternity leave ended on 1/5 making quick and easy really important. Hummus toast is what’s up! I’ll have to check out your archives for your favorite Hummus recipe! !

  29. Cat Haley says

    Hi there- thanks for the list. I too love peanut butter and your peanut butter mouse is a favourite of my family. However, I was concerned to see nutritional yeast on your list. I can understand its use for the B vitamins lacking in a vegan diet, but it’s status as a neurotoxin would prevent me from using it.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      hmm, never heard that. I just love its cheesy flavor, vitamins and only use it on occasion. I think it’s OK in moderation.

  30. Alexa [fooduzzi.com] says

    This is an AMAZING post! I am a huge fan of using lentils and different nut butters to incorporate some protein into my diet. Lentils are so versatile, and nut butters…they’re my weakness. Thanks for this info!!

  31. jacquie says

    great information – thanks. i had know idea that sunflower seeds had that much protein! you wouldn’t happen to have this information as a simple list that could be easily saved for future reference do you? I do a terrible job in terms of getting enough protein and really need to be more mindful of my intake. You wouldn’t perhaps consider doing something similar for protein would you?

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I don’t! But you could easily do a screen grab and tuck it away on your computer somewhere for reference. That’s what I do with similar resources!

  32. Medha @ Whisk & Shout says

    Great post! I love the look of this toast! I never thought of hummus on toast for breakfast, it looks amazing :)

  33. Lauren says

    Looks great. I calculated the nutrition for your toast and came up with different numbers. Your protein is too high for those calories – without the bread, according to your hummus recipe, the calories are already at 250ish and 9.2g protein. I have no idea where to get bread that’s 30 cal and 5g protein per slice. Can you tell me which bread you used to calculate this?

  34. Katherine B says

    Love this! People don’t realize how many foods are good sources of protein! I would add tempeh– soo yummy and protein-rich, you should try it if you haven’t! (and I actually prefer tempeh scrambles to tofu scrambles!)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Nice! I’ve tried tempeh only a couple times and struggle getting into to it as consistent protein source in my diet. However, I’ve just added it to this list because I realized I left it out and had originally planned to share. Updated!

  35. Lauren says

    This is a great post for plant based lovers who are struggling to get their protein! Big smoothies or bowls of oatmeal with lots of toppings do it for me!

  36. Laura O says

    My go to breakfast is always oatmeal with peanut butter and a banana. That has a pretty good amount of protein, too! I would also live on peanut butter alone if I could.

  37. Nicole says

    Your protein infographic is PERFECTION! So is your food :) My little vegan family is loving your food and enjoying new things each week as we plan our meals. Thank you!

  38. Kathryn says

    Thank you so much for these! I’ve been vegan for a couple of years now and just recently started logging my diet more closely so I can monitor my protein intake. To my surprise, I do better on most days than I thought I would! But this list was a great reminder – I find it’s easy to get into such a routine of eating the same few protein sources with every meal.

    And the hummus toast looks delicious!


  39. susan says

    Hi Dana,
    Thank you so much for the 15 recipe detox guide! The photography is stunning. Each photo is detailed to perfection making each recipe look delicious. And they are! I’ve made the detox smoothie, granola bars and black bean burger.

  40. Kiki says

    It’s actually more like 8-10% unless you’re an athlete. Have you read The China Study? It’s a really great look at nutrition, with some really astonishing fact and figures!

  41. Cassie says

    Tofu, black beans and almond butter are my faves! Spiriluna, edamame and lentils are also great sources of vegan protein :)

  42. Robyn @ thereallife_RD says

    Love all the gorgeous photos of nutrient-dense plant protein!
    Just a quick question for clarification- did you mean to put 9.5g protein per 1/4 cup sunflower seeds? There’s typically about 7g per 1/4 cup which would be 28 grams/cup. And for buckwheat, would that be buckwheat flour? There’s usually about 4g per 1/4 cup = 16g per cup of flour but for cooked buckwheat groats there is in fact 5.6 grams, the picture just looks like flour. I hope that doesn’t come off a being picky or anything- just wanted to clarify in case anyone else was a bit confused!

    Thank you for all you do! :)

  43. Robyn Coale says

    Love all the gorgeous photos of nutrient-dense plant protein!
    Just a quick question for clarification- did you mean to put 9.5g protein per 1/4 cup sunflower seeds? There’s typically about 7g per 1/4 cup which would be 28 grams/cup. And for buckwheat, would that be buckwheat flour? There’s usually about 4g per 1/4 cup = 16g per cup of flour but for cooked buckwheat groats there is in fact 5.6 grams, the picture just looks like flour. I hope that doesn’t come off a being picky or anything- just wanted to clarify in case anyone else was a bit confused!

    Thank you for all you do! :)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Thanks for clarifying! Yes, I was referring to 1 cup cooked buckwheat – flour was all I had for an image :D And for sunflower seeds, you were right! I miscalculated there. I knew it was bound to happen. Fixed! Thank you!

  44. Jordan Lynn // Life Between Lattes says

    Love this post! I’ve been vegetarian for years, and I have yet to try hemp seeds. I need to get on that!

  45. Christie @ The Weekday Table says

    This looks incredibly delish. Thanks for listing all the vegan protein sources :) Super helpful, and wonderful photos (as usual)

  46. Carey says

    I am trying to lose belly fat by following a plant-based diet and each morning, I drink a smoothie using the new Vega One formula – which has 20 grams of protein and 6 servings of greens!! I usually add about a 1/2 cup of mixed berries and 1/2 an orange with it – I also “chew” my smoothie to get some of the fiber benefits so it doesn’t turn into straight sugar when I drink it.

  47. valentina | sweet kabocha says

    We need about 0.8 g/kg of body weight of protein if we are inactive to 1.4 g/kg if we are athletes. I use Lifesum app to follow my protein intake and I usually complete it :) Remember that veggies as cauliflower or broccoli have a good amount of protein too ^_^

  48. Jami says

    I drink A LOT of plant fusion protein powder. My brain thinks it’s a milkshake… It’s delicious with frozen banana chunks, frozen dark cherries and some PB2. Yum!

      • Claire says

        I’ve been really liking the “Raw Protein” protein powder (from Garden of Life) – organic, raw vegan, GF, and it has 17 g protein per serving! I have it every day with my smoothie.

        Dana I just want to say thank you for all of the wonderful recipes! I browse around minimalist baker all the time and reference your recipes, and make amazing food. Keep it up!

    • Cindy says

      Yes! Plant Fusion is amazing! I have found that I can throw in half a banana, a large handful of spinach, almond milk and ice with the Chocolate Flavor and I feel guilty every time I drink it thinking it tastes way too good to be good for me!

  49. Chris says

    I tend to be in the camp of not worrying much about protein, thinking that eating a fairly balanced diet ensures that I get enough but I’ve been wanting to do the math over the course of a couple of days to see if that’s really true. I do eat a lot of oats, especially for breakfast so it’s good to see that on your list.

  50. Elle {Styelleish } says

    While not vegan, or even vegetarian, I strive to eat a mostly plant-based diet. Thanks for sharing this information–I should try to eat a bit more protein! I was surprised by how much protein quinoa has!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Lovely! thanks for sharing. I think it’s always good to know what you’re getting from the foods you eat. And yes, quinoa is a super star!